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  • Thanks for the winner on I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the LORD do all these things
    Thanks for the funny on Some conservatives soil their pants over spooky Grammy performance.
    Thanks for the like on Do we have a soul that goes out of our bodies to heaven at death?I think we do.
    Thanx for fruballing not demanding & not seeing evidence for gods.
    And for the couple'o owing Iranians some peace froobs.
    And for firbling no research on atheist weight gain.
    Thanks for the pair of likes and the informative frubes on 1 out of 5 Atheists in the U.S believe in a "higher power"
    Thanks for the like on Hey Socialist liberals...want 'immigrants'? Ya got em!
    Methinks i have upset a few people though
    Thanx for the men men men men frubal (an ancient RF term for a <like>).
    And for fruballing advice on how to be manly.
    And for the accurate avatar frubal.
    And for fruballing OAC being born in Kenya.
    And for the having seen worse than Beto frubo.
    And for phyrballing the virtues of slackness.
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