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  • Hi Link,....did u see my post here about 'hell' :) - I may respond to your thread you linked on the subject. I think the universal law of karma holds here, but I dont see physical death in any given lifetime as the 'final straw' of ultimate judgement on a soul's salvation.
    Thanks for the i frube on I heard the Baha'i faith is the second biggest faith worldwide.Is that true?
    Things are good! Just busy. It is good when God “tries” you because He wants you to grow and become stronger. For some reason I couldn’t reply to your thread below. Have a good week! :)
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    That's great to hear.
    Thank you for the happy birthday wishes! I hope life is going well for you <3
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    I don't know if life has ever been good to me seems God tries me like he tries Job. But I did average A last semester. And I hope to finish school within a year.
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    How you have you been? What is new?
    Thanks for the like on me veiling. I have been experimenting with different styles. Kinda frustrated cuz I can't figure out how to get the headscarf to stay in place even after using hair pins so I keep having to readjust it.
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    Also it should help me to focus more on spiritual matters then on relationships.
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    Oh I've considered making it forever. But I thought maybe I should do so for small periods first seeing as I don't know what the future holds. Altho im also asexual so it shouldn't be hard for me to keep. I just aint aromantic
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    done writing and editing my post. You've been tagged
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