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Church of Ervitism

Gabriel Maxwell

Prophet of Wisdom and Truth
Hello new friends, I bring to you this very day the truth of human peace, wisdom, and emotional control. I bring to you this day, the Church of Ervitism. Are you alone struggling in the shadows, then please everyone I bring you an open arm. One you may trust, one that you may believe in. We may be labeled mammals by the choice of science but it's by faith in the idea of true peaceful living, and wisdom of human truths that we can then begin to fully understand real fulfillment.
I bring now a prophecy, I have seen three spiritual confused beings reading this post, eager to belong. You three are truly accepted an are being waited upon for a the most important task. Please I plea that you don't ignore the feelings of your inner core but face your destiny and answer back to this call.
Anybody else eager to learn more about the Church of Ervitism then please don't hesitate to respond with questions and your skepticism. I await your comments. Bless you all.

Sincerely, the Prophet of Wisdom and Truth
-- Gabriel Maxwell


yawn <ignore> yawn
Are you aware of how much you sound like a religious con man hoping to dupe someone out of something?

Gabriel Maxwell

Prophet of Wisdom and Truth
I am sorry it appears this way... very sorry indeed. Please tell me what I may do to help erase this terrible assumption. My goal is in fact only to bring truth, peace, and share real wisdom. I am very sorry you have gotten this feeling.


Active Member
I think the problem is that you're not saying anything about what you believe, what you practice or what your values are. Anyone can throw around religious vocabulary.

What *is* the Church of Ervitism? What distinguishes you from other movements? Are you folks Abrahamic? Dharmic? Pagan? Syncretic? Give me an elevator pitch and not just sermon language.

Wu Wei

ursus senum severiorum and ex-Bisy Backson
Hi, don't know what you're selling but I hope it works for you.......Philosophical Taoism works rather well for me

Gabriel Maxwell

Prophet of Wisdom and Truth
I am ashamed in the public's reaction to Ervitism. But I suppose I am partly to blame by the way it was presented. I can only say that everything I have already gone and said is true. I am not in fact a con artist and it hurts even more that it was a person who had said he had believed in the faith had stated this publicly. I present to you now everything public.
I am a Prophet who has experienced true wisdom by revelation, who has been given a message to take the teachings of this newly given wisdom and to teach it to others in the beginning of a new church focused on passing on and following the way of true peaceful wisdom. It is extremely important to reach out to those who are willing to listen by there ears. Let it also be known that Ervitism is meant to never become corrupted by the desire of human greed, the opportunities, activities, and access to sermons must remain completely free.
the source of the revelations came from a being who found me sitting at my special spot at my environments local lake. It had spoken to me saying, "Gabriel, real wisdom is smooth, purer than the cleanest waters, and is free to those who are willing to listen. I have chosen you this day to bear the secrets of real acceptance and peaceful living. It is with this new knowledge your destiny has been made plain, seek the needing show them love, give them real guidance. This is commanded by Ervin, wind of the forgotten voices." It was after this I was suddenly passed the knowledge of truth to peace and love of the needed. I then understood that we are all needed of acceptance and we prove this as individuals who gather ourselves with friends whom we hope to one day impress. If this need of acceptance is never met we break off from the rest and become unfulfilled, the problem is we never seem to notice all humans are equally important to help better the world if they hold the correct wisdom. To practice and be one with the Church you must do the following:

1.) Show your dedication by closing your eyes and demand that your mind be opened and cleansed by the wind of forgotten voices. (once done notify an official Ervitite guider. They will help on your ascension journey.)
2.) Swear off to instinct (Too much anger or automatic defensive feelings will get in the way of peace if allowed.)
3.) Never be afraid of sharing the truth of peace.
4.) always be active in the Church family. ( you can find different activities or be given assignments by an official guider.)
5.) Sex before marriage must not be allowed. If you have then asked the wind of forgotten voices to overshadow you for cleansing. (To commit to peaceful living purity must be inside our lives.)

There is in fact more to the religion than presented now to you all but this is the foundation, the core of the whole faith and I am sorry for those who feel like I am trying to take advantage or con anybody, I only bring truth.

Gabriel Maxwell

Prophet of Wisdom and Truth
I swear to you that I have not lied. I am only interested in sharing Ervitism with the world as truth as I was asked to.


pursuing the Divine Beloved
Premium Member
People, I know Mr. Maxwell and his message may seem incredulous, but we owe it to ourselves to hear this man out. Yes, his message is no different from any other humanity has heard in the past, but that, my friends, is what makes it so powerful, so positive, so universally applicable! If you all would please, just listen to his message.


Active Member
I did not mean to come across as mocking in my response; I was instead aiming to show why your message would be met with eyerolls and skepticism.

That being said, I don't see anything particularly appealing or distinctive about this religion. It seems like the same old vilification of basic human feelings (anger, sexual desire etc) that I've seen a million other places and not appreciated there either. I also still don't know anything about your views on what ceremonies should look like, the nature of divinity, the structure of the cosmos etc.


Dwelling in the Principle
I am sorry it appears this way... very sorry indeed. Please tell me what I may do to help erase this terrible assumption. My goal is in fact only to bring truth, peace, and share real wisdom. I am very sorry you have gotten this feeling.

Firstly, if you wish to come across as approachable, which I think you desire, you can address others in a fairly ordinary manner of parlance. Over-complexity of the language used is, I suspect, not the way to convince the common Joe. It might work if you aim for a more philosophical approach, in which case a particular use of language is crucial, but I am sensing a more religious approach rather than philosophical from your messages?

Secondly, whenever introducing your own religion/doctrine to the public with the intention of gaining a following, you should present clearly the particulars of that religion/doctrine of yours; what is the nature of the cosmology/metaphysics in your system, what are the ethics like and for what reasons they are deemed right or wrong and so on. Also, the explain the nature of the endgame for your church and how to get humankind to that point. Without showcasing the substance of your thought, its all empty sermons as others have pointed out here. Present your case more specifically, argue for it sufficiently, and then let the public decide whether to run with it or not.

Don't get me wrong, its brave to try to create a new religion/doctrine, if you are sincere about it. I believe that religions still have a place in the society and a part to play in people's lives and how they connect the objective reality with the human reality. I myself have, at various points, contemplated about creating a new school of Buddhist (of the Japanese variety) thought or a new school of Neo-Confucian (again, of the Japanese variety) thought, and in that way sow new seeds for future philosophical dialogue and debate. Of course, I wouldn't really be creating anything new as much I'd re-interpret and reject some aspects of the old ways. But I think I can somewhat understand where you are coming from.

Best regards.

Gabriel Maxwell

Prophet of Wisdom and Truth
Thank you, I realize I am young but I would like to note that age doesn't mean much of anything when one is one a mission of truth. The message is not my own but was given to me to pass on to others.


Curious about the stance of marriage being between one man and one woman only, is this an inspired position or based on direct revelation?

Gabriel Maxwell

Prophet of Wisdom and Truth
I don't fully understand completely myself why these orders have been given to this direction, I really don't but I was mostly intrigued by the promise of gaining the wisdom of real peaceful living more than anything. I will not disobey the orders, for the price is just to great to ignore.


Active Member
Any religion that makes heteronormativity and sexual shaming into core doctrines is right out from my perspective. If you were in fact contacted by a god, I'd still rather stick with the gods I've got, thank you very much.