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RF Members Dreams


Not As Much Fun As I Look
Staff member
Premium Member
Irony! You make this thread, and then I do have another RF member dream.

@mangalavara , you were my teacher last night. I was one of many students in your class. However, I was the only one who could fix all the aquariums you seemed to scatter about, and I had to call my husband to fix the big junky car you left on the dark side of your classroom.

I suggest putting tape over your aerator tubing so animals/people can't chew holes in it again. And you might want to park your car in the garage next time.


हर हर महादेव
Premium Member
Do you ever get dreams with RF members in them?

After reading this thread, I had a dream the past night that I went to my local library and discovered a few literary works written by @Rival.

mangalavara , you were my teacher last night. I was one of many students in your class. However, I was the only one who could fix all the aquariums you seemed to scatter about, and I had to call my husband to fix the big junky car you left on the dark side of your classroom.

I suggest putting tape over your aerator tubing so animals/people can't chew holes in it again. And you might want to park your car in the garage next time.

Wow. My classroom had a dark side that I left a car in! That’s very... dreamlike. When it comes to humans chewing holes in the aerator tubing, I hope those humans were on the outside of the aquariums.

Yeah, I’d be the kind of teacher who would prefer that my students learn some useful things. If you can fix aquariums, future employers would be all over you. :D


se Dex me saut.
Staff member
Premium Member
Last night I had a dream about the Mothman.

He's not on RF but I thought I'd let you guys know...


Not As Much Fun As I Look
Staff member
Premium Member
After reading this thread, I had a dream the past night that I went to my local library and discovered a few literary works written by @Rival.

Wow. My classroom had a dark side that I left a car in! That’s very... dreamlike. When it comes to humans chewing holes in the aerator tubing, I hope those humans were on the outside of the aquariums.

Yeah, I’d be the kind of teacher who would prefer that my students learn some useful things. If you can fix aquariums, future employers would be all over you. :D

I don't know who chewed the holes in them, but it does happen. I didn't see any humans in the aquariums, but you did have a few sick fish in there.

Surprisingly, aquarium know-how doesn't get you much.

I still wonder how you got that car in the door, though.


हर हर महादेव
Premium Member
I didn't see any humans in the aquariums, but you did have a few sick fish in there.

Sounds disturbing.

Surprisingly, aquarium know-how doesn't get you much.

Perhaps it might on America’s Got Talent?

I still wonder how you got that car in the door, though.

I shrunk the car with some cold water. The heater made it expand back to its normal size when it was in the classroom.

Anyway, the dark side of the classroom may represent your unconscious mind. The junky card might be a hidden or ignored problem in your life that needs fixing by someone other than yourself. In the dream, I probably represent some guide.


Not As Much Fun As I Look
Staff member
Premium Member
Sounds disturbing.

It happens. Even the best aquarium keepers have a fish fall ill once and awhile.

The most disturbing case I had was an Agazzi cichlid. He was always prone to hiding(as many cichlids are), so it wasn't uncommon for me not to see him for several days. When he did come out, he sure had the worst case of rot I'd ever seen(and sadly that was the end of him). I'm not even sure how he got the rot... typically, its dirty aquarium water, but that tank was problematically clean(you want a small amount of nitrate for any live plants). Sometimes its fungal or viral, but no one else was ill... Each aquarium is kinda like an organism on its own, and they're somewhat mysterious.

I shrunk the car with some cold water. The heater made it expand back to its normal size when it was in the classroom.

Of course! Why didn't I think of that?

Anyway, the dark side of the classroom may represent your unconscious mind. The junky card might be a hidden or ignored problem in your life that needs fixing by someone other than yourself. In the dream, I probably represent some guide.

Honestly... its probably the cars. We've been having problems with cars, and people because of the cars, and they're all my husband's problems, but I end up having to deal with them... maybe that was my revenge. I have to fix the problems that come from his cars, so I made him fix your old rust bucket.

Thanks for being my guide. :)


हर हर महादेव
Premium Member
The most disturbing case I had was an Agazzi cichlid. He was always prone to hiding(as many cichlids are), so it wasn't uncommon for me not to see him for several days. When he did come out, he sure had the worst case of rot I'd ever seen(and sadly that was the end of him). I'm not even sure how he got the rot... typically, its dirty aquarium water, but that tank was problematically clean(you want a small amount of nitrate for any live plants). Sometimes its fungal or viral, but no one else was ill... Each aquarium is kinda like an organism on its own, and they're somewhat mysterious.

You know far more about aquariums than me. Your story about the Agazzi cichlid sounds disturbing, yeah.

Speaking of disturbing, I think it was in the previous schoolyear that I spotted a dead fish in an aquarium in a classroom where I was subbing.

Of course! Why didn't I think of that?

As my father likes to jokingly say, 'Because... I am of the superior intellect.'

Honestly... its probably the cars. We've been having problems with cars, and people because of the cars, and they're all my husband's problems, but I end up having to deal with them... maybe that was my revenge. I have to fix the problems that come from his cars, so I made him fix your old rust bucket.

Sounds like a good, plausible interpretation. A kind of wish fulfillment dream.

Thanks for being my guide. :)

You're welcome.

P.S. Don't allow procrastination to keep you from the homework assignment. :p


Not As Much Fun As I Look
Staff member
Premium Member
Speaking of disturbing, I think it was in the previous schoolyear that I spotted a dead fish in an aquarium in a classroom where I was subbing.

Dead fish happen. I still have to get a net, but my husband can reach in and grab them with his hands, even if they're half eaten(fish don't often pass up a free meal). He used to be forced to get his guardian's fishnets out of the water before school, so I think he's immune to the 'ew' factor of a dead fish.

P.S. Don't allow procrastination to keep you from the homework assignment. :p

About that...

Dropped it in the fish tank...


Not As Much Fun As I Look
Staff member
Premium Member
Well then, put on your goffik fishnet gloves and get it out of the tank. :tongueout:

I can see you don't know much about aquarium maintenance..

But, if you really want it, here it is!



हर हर महादेव
Premium Member
@JustGeorge, I had a dream the past morning that I was having a private conversation with you on this site. No idea what our conversation was about though.