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rooting for the baddies?


Christian Agnostic
Premium Member
I watched the first three Die Hard movies over the festive period

I think the baddies in the Die Hard films are really cool and I wanted them to succeed

Although I didn't like it when they needlessly shot the security guard towards the beginning of the first one although I suspect the people who made it only made them do that to turn the audience against them

I could relate to them more than I could to Bruce Willis's character John McClain

When watching movies do you ever want the baddies to win?

If I had a couple of billion dollars I might buy the rights to the Die Hard franchise and then remake each of the films so that the baddies triumph


Veteran Member
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Premium Member
I watched the first three Die Hard movies over the festive period

I think the baddies in the Die Hard films are really cool and I wanted them to succeed

Although I didn't like it when they needlessly shot the security guard towards the beginning of the first one although I suspect the people who made it only made them do that to turn the audience against them

I could relate to them more than I could to Bruce Willis's character John McClain

When watching movies do you ever want the baddies to win?

If I had a couple of billion dollars I might buy the rights to the Die Hard franchise and then remake each of the films so that the baddies triumph

Depends on whether or not the villain is entertaining and colorful enough. I may not root for them, although sometimes I think they steal the show.


I prefer the anti-hero character trope.

I LOVE the anti-hero trope - might be my favorite kind of character in all of fiction. Always find them to be the most sympathetic. It's a wonderful character trope and I'm so grateful that our culture is absolutely littered with examples of it today.

As far as evil villains go, this -

Depends on whether or not the villain is entertaining and colorful enough. I may not root for them, although sometimes I think they steal the show.

Dark-triad type characters seem to be represented extremely charismatically in a lot of fiction.

In film, they often employ physically good looking actors to play irredeemable, villainous characters (such as Leonardo DiCaprio playing Calvin Candie in Django, Alicia Silverstone in The Crush or Christian Bale as Patrick Bateman in American Psycho) which both corrects the "problem" that good looking actors face in their careers (being automatically sympathetic characters because of their superficial good looks) and manifests them as remarkably engaging and glossy roles that audiences can't seem to take their eyes off.

Often, those same films end up becoming cult classics with enormous followings due to people latching on to those evil characters and the charisma that they ooze - lots of people with poor senses of self identify with those villains as a result and base their personalities off of them, for better or worse lol. One of the contributing causes of my BPD might have been my early childhood exposure to a lot of these characters.

Like I said above, I LOVE anti-heroes but I can't stand traditional heroes unless they're written extremely well, which is extremely rare IMO.


......unaffiliated...... anti-dogmatist
Premium Member
When the baddies are fighting the Oligarchy, I must confess I imagine joining them.


ᛋᛏᚨᚾᛞ ᛋᚢᚱᛖ
Just about every slasher or horror movie has protagonists so awful that you can't help but love to see what creative ways the big bad guy takes them out

Saint Frankenstein

Wanderer From Afar
Premium Member
When watching movies do you ever want the baddies to win?
Yes, this tends to happen with slasher movies when the victims are so insufferable in terms of their personalities. I last experienced this with the first Terrifier movie. I literally couldn't give a damn about the victims because they were so stupid and annoying. This is usually due to bad writing and lack of character development because you're not really supposed to root for the killer. Lol. Luckily, this changed with the sequel.


se Dex me saut.
Staff member
Premium Member
The Nome King has a good point in Return to Oz.

But I'm still rooting for Dorothy.


Aura of atheification
Premium Member
I have come to realize that many a person disagrees with me on who are the fictional baddies.

Come to think of it, same about the real-life baddies.


Veteran Member
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Back when the IMDb had message boards, I used to come across various people who would root for or identify with various baddies or villainous type characters.

There were quite a few people who thought very highly of the character of Ajax in The Warriors. There was also a certain clique of posters who used to troll the Karate Kid boards taking the Cobra Kai side against Daniel and Mr. Miyagi. I even came across a video from someone who said that Daniel was the real villain in the Karate Kid.

Some people root for The Empire in Star Wars.