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Still clueless in Alabama


Veteran Member
This is the GOP, & it's a problem for them.
But Biden also has his problems. Talking out of
both sides of his mouth regarding Israel's
genocide of Palestinians is making him enemies
on both sides, but especially those who value
human rights.
Biden is on track to lose in November.
I'm on the other side of the pond but Roe v Wade will win it for Biden, IMHO.


ᛋᛏᚨᚾᛞ ᛋᚢᚱᛖ
One can discuss the ramifications through a hypothetical lens. That is using foresight.

It's another entirely to act as if it happened already.

Shallow gaslighting attempt

It's not hypothetical if people are actively bringing up a bill to be brought up for vote. There is valid reason for concern


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
One can discuss the ramifications through a hypothetical lens. That is using foresight.

It's another entirely to act as if it happened already.
If you think it shouldn't be discussed, then
why are you here discussing it? Oh, right.
To derail discussion of it.

Do you favor a national database to track
pregnant women?

It Aint Necessarily So

Veteran Member
Premium Member
Wanting and doing is two different things.
Fortunately, at least in this case.
People should stop acting like this is an actual thing going on as if this is a reality.
They should understand that it is the reality Republicans desire and envision. But as you noted, wanting and doing are different things, and the difference is effective opposition.

The Republicans should be believed. Given the chance, they will control your life. Women's wombs are theirs to control. They will decide who one can marry according to religious beliefs. They want to limit the books people can read. They will outlaw unions, cripple Medicare and Social Security, roll back workplace and environmental protections, weaken child labor laws, and weaken IRS oversight of their taxes if allowed to. They want to let criminals walk, but only if it is one of their criminals.

Hopefully, wanting and doing will remain two different things when it comes to the Republican agenda, but only if America stops electing these people.

fantome profane

Anti-Woke = Anti-Justice
Premium Member
One can discuss the ramifications through a hypothetical lens. That is using foresight.

It's another entirely to act as if it happened already.
Right, unless it is an important issue that you care about. Something like gas stoves for example.

If is is just something trivial like women's health and women's freedom, let's wait til it actually become a law. But it they even mention restricting gas stoves, then that is something to talk about.


No religious beliefs
It never ceases to amaze me, ever since the U.S. Patriot Act, actually, that not nearly enough Americans truly understand the meaning of "liberty." At its very core, in my opinion, is that what should be "liberty" for others is simply not for me to decide -- nor anyone else. Including government.

This is the great and tragic error of the Dobbs decision, and what makes Trump's pronouncements on the topic so odious: that returning the right to determine what rights a woman has over her own body to "the will of the people" (i.e. for states to decide) is absolutely denying some liberty to some of the population. And, as I said at the beginning, some of the population should not have the right to determine what liberties some others should possess -- as if they were "privileges" being granted on good behaviour.

Yes. I was born and grew up in England, spent some time in Australia and have lived in the USA for the last 30+ years. I can honestly say that the USA has no more claim to being the beacon of freedom than any other country, once you exclude places like North Korea.

USA citizens tend, like most other people, to define freedom as "I can do what I like, but others can only do things I approve of".

Another weird idea is that State legislation is somehow more representative of the will of the people than Federal legislation. All States, no matter how "red" or "blue" have adherents of both parties living in them. Democrats in Alabama are no more represented by their State government than Republicans in California, which is to say somewhat, but not enough to change anything.

Twilight Hue

Twilight, not bright nor dark, good nor bad.
If you think it shouldn't be discussed, then
why are you here discussing it? Oh, right.
To derail discussion of it.

Do you favor a national database to track
pregnant women?
Nope I'm against national databases save for census information.

As to the rest....


Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
Katie Britt wants the federal government to make a database of pregnant women.
It is not clear if she understands that her bill will do this.
She seems to think that is just a registry for support and advice to be doled out by the government.
Needless to say, she also thinks that the government should only give out certain types of advice.

"The bill specifically forbids any entity that “performs, induces, refers for, or counsels in favor of abortions” from being listed in the database, which would in effect eliminate swaths of OB-GYN services and sexual health clinics across the country.

The website would direct users to enter their personal data and contact information, and although Britt’s communications director said the site would not collect data on pregnant people, page three of the bill states that users can “take an assessment through the website and provide consent to use the user’s contact information” which government officials may use “to conduct outreach via phone or email to follow up with users on additional resources that would be helpful for the users to review”."

Didn't we just have a big argument last year about the government picking sides in a health debate?
How ironic. She wants to raise the numbers of abortions in the US. Too bad that she cannot reason rationally. Planned Parenthood would be excluded as a source for women by her foolish bill. And let's face it, it is just grandstanding since it has zero chance of being passeed.

But let's get back to how she wants to raise the abortion rate. Planned Parenthood does much more than just performing abortions. That is a rather small percentage of the services that they offer. Number one is that they help women to plan their families. And a big part of planning is putting off getting pregnant until one is ready to raise a family. They provide free to low cost birth control and educate people on how to use various products. As a result the number of unwanted pregnancies drop in communities with Planned Parenthood offices and the number of abortions drop as well:


Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
Let me weigh in for Alabama. I truly applaud her for doing this. We do need to be able to hammer the general population that the threat of Republican extremists is still real. Individual states may be safe for now, but they will not be happy until the whole nation bans abortions. Voters in general are very very pro abortion and this needs to be one of the key factors that people need to consider when they vote.

Unfortunately a huge percentage of the population are far too ignorant about economics. They believe the lies of Trump because he promises growth without any work. Just vote for the liar and everything will be better. In the real world people realize that no one is going to pay their bills for them and they need to realize that this applies to the government as well. We need an infrastructure update. That will not be free. The longer we wait the more it will cost in individual disasters, such as bridge collapses, failures of the power grid, you name it, it probably needs a tune up. You would think that Texas would have learned by now. The power failure during Cruz's cruise was only a harbinger.
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Twilight Hue

Twilight, not bright nor dark, good nor bad.
Shallow gaslighting attempt

It's not hypothetical if people are actively bringing up a bill to be brought up for vote. There is valid reason for concern
I don't see any valid reason to be concerned as it's clearly incapable of passing.


LHP Mercuræn Feminist Heretic Bully ☿
Premium Member
I don't see any valid reason to be concerned as it's clearly incapable of passing.
Would it be of concern if the entities seeking a database of baby mills set it up on their own, outside of government, to buy and sell the information at their whim?


ᛋᛏᚨᚾᛞ ᛋᚢᚱᛖ
I don't see any valid reason to be concerned as it's clearly incapable of passing.

Really? I don't know what to tell you, then. I'm not nearly as trusting of the government or it's processes as you seem to be. When people in positions of power who are working ceaselessly to strip away people's freedoms fail to do so with one attempt, I don't see them stopping at that one attempt - especially in the wake of Roe vs. Wade being overturned


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
Really? I don't know what to tell you, then. I'm not nearly as trusting of the government or it's processes as you seem to be. When people in positions of power who are working ceaselessly to strip away people's freedoms fail to do so with one attempt, I don't see them stopping at that one attempt - especially in the wake of Roe vs. Wade being overturned
Some don't recognize such bills
as symptomatic of larger threats
to civil liberties. Stay frosty.