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Weight Loss and Diet Support Group

Me Myself

Back to my username
I had the jewns thing, I bought a belt. Its awesome :D

I still use the belt cause its cheaper han new jeans xD


Wonder Woman
Finally got the finishing touches and typed out "My Fitness Plan". :D

Got my schedule figured out with 2 workouts a day, rotating between X-Factor:ST and weight training on the same day and 2 cardio workouts a day on opposite days with optional substitutions when over-training possible when training loads become too high (tracking through polarpersonaltrainer). 6 days a week with one rest day a week every Sunday. Currently just finished up week 2 of X-Factor and will be starting week 3 tomorrow.

Just nice to have it typed and printed out and all "official". :yes: I've already been building up to and doing much of what I just described, but want to put it all down to make it something to really adhere to. Even listed all my cardio DVDs and options and my full weight routine. Color coded too...it's so purty :p

Fit strong body...here I come. :yes:


Well-Known Member
my husband and I have been wanting to loose weight. Have even contemplated joining a gym.
But then news came today from my husband's doctor. No Carb diet.
Well this is going to be interesting. So now I have to find a way to incorporate with a bunch of picky kids who love their carbs.
I looked online and found...duh duh dun... the adkins diet. It looks interesting...sort of.

SO. We not only have a diet to consider but we also have passover coming up. Which we have never been able to do. Bread always made it's way into our diet before the week ended.

I managed to convince my husband to try the Adkins for the week of passover, since there is no bread in the diet.

We shall see how this is going to work.


Wonder Woman
my husband and I have been wanting to loose weight. Have even contemplated joining a gym.
But then news came today from my husband's doctor. No Carb diet.
Well this is going to be interesting. So now I have to find a way to incorporate with a bunch of picky kids who love their carbs.
I looked online and found...duh duh dun... the adkins diet. It looks interesting...sort of.

SO. We not only have a diet to consider but we also have passover coming up. Which we have never been able to do. Bread always made it's way into our diet before the week ended.

I managed to convince my husband to try the Adkins for the week of passover, since there is no bread in the diet.

We shall see how this is going to work.

I just read this guy's story earlier today about his success losing weight and it started with cutting carbs from his diet: From fat to fit | MyFitnessPal.com
Now, he does mention that he could only keep up that kind of diet for so long, but that it was a good start to losing weight and getting things going for him.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
I've personally never understood cutting out carbs. I can see cutting way back on them, which is really what most people actually need to do, as well as eating better carbs, but to entirely cut them out I don't understand as they are a good source of energy. Sorta like how some people cut out fruit because of the sugar, even though fruit is good for you and the body does need some sugar. It's all in moderation and learning the difference between a serving and a helping, and sticking with the serving.

I'm considering joining a gym that just opened up that cost only 10 dollars a month and it is all low impact, which is what I need. As far as my body is going, I am able to now see some muscle outline around my stomach peeking out from behind the fat. My size 20 and 18 fat jeans are in a bag I'm getting ready to take to Goodwill, and I fit into a size 12 denim skirt. And although my knee are still stiff, sore, and aching, the pain hasn't been as agonizing this winter.

Me Myself

Back to my username
I've personally never understood cutting out carbs. I can see cutting way back on them, which is really what most people actually need to do, as well as eating better carbs, but to entirely cut them out I don't understand as they are a good source of energy. Sorta like how some people cut out fruit because of the sugar, even though fruit is good for you and the body does need some sugar. It's all in moderation and learning the difference between a serving and a helping, and sticking with the serving.

I'm considering joining a gym that just opened up that cost only 10 dollars a month and it is all low impact, which is what I need. As far as my body is going, I am able to now see some muscle outline around my stomach peeking out from behind the fat. My size 20 and 18 fat jeans are in a bag I'm getting ready to take to Goodwill, and I fit into a size 12 denim skirt. And although my knee are still stiff, sore, and aching, the pain hasn't been as agonizing this winter.

The idea is that your body uses the storage of fats it has instead of the new energy you are giving it(in the carbs). Cutting iut carbs is good, but it is also important to understand that you are not cutting all energy intakes. All food(or almost all?) contain fat or carbs.

"Cutting carbs" I understand like "cutting rice, bread" and similars that are mainly carbs as for their contribution to your body.


Well-Known Member
Well, we probably wouldn't have looked at atkins if his doctor hadn't told him to look at it. His blood sugar is on a roller coaster and she wants him to get it under control. She is suspecting that his carb intake may be the problem
Me Myself is right. you can't cut all carbs. but you can lower the amount of carb intake and that is what Adkins is claiming to do.
At least their recipes look good...


Wonder Woman
Slight hold up in fitness routine. Ugh. Muscle strain in left leg. I'm assuming from either over use from all the squats and jumps maybe, or perhaps a combination of that with the fact that I had a bad fall a few days back at my parents house that also kind of hurt the back of my left calf. Either way, I have what appears to be a hamstring strain leading down behind my knee with pain radiating down behind my calf as well. So, I've decided to take the rest of this week off to rest up my leg, especially considering how leg-heavy my exercise routine is, and try to start over again on week 3 next Monday.


RF's pet cat
I'm very skeptical about Atkins. Loads of meat can lead to heart diseases and when reading about research like the China Study, it just makes me worry about it even more. When I eat carbs, they're the brown sort (wholewheat). I however have a weakness for Japanese white rice. :p

The longest living people on Earth, Japanese, eat loads of carbs, loads of veg, fruits as dessert, little dairy, little meat and when they DO eat meat, it's often good oily fish. Having a lot of different ingrediants are important (aim is 30 different foods a day and 100 different a week).

But some things work for different people, I just know I feel great when I eat like that (and I love some of the stuff, like seaweed). I also feel best when I'm not having meat but I know some people won't agree.

I lost 5 pounds, but I need to get moving. Diet alone isn't going to work! I'm often lazy, what can I say, I'm a cat! :kat:
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Me Myself

Back to my username
Slight hold up in fitness routine. Ugh. Muscle strain in left leg. I'm assuming from either over use from all the squats and jumps maybe, or perhaps a combination of that with the fact that I had a bad fall a few days back at my parents house that also kind of hurt the back of my left calf. Either way, I have what appears to be a hamstring strain leading down behind my knee with pain radiating down behind my calf as well. So, I've decided to take the rest of this week off to rest up my leg, especially considering how leg-heavy my exercise routine is, and try to start over again on week 3 next Monday.

Do breathing exercises when you can so it heals more quickly. Good luck with all :cheer:

Me Myself

Back to my username
Yeah dont trust atkins either.

Be smart and just eat lots of veggies. Not lettuce, lettuce is almost as devoid of vitamins and antioxidants as meat.

Eat tomato, spinach, brocoli, pepper, carrots. Some brown rice is good after some exercise, specially if we did weight lifting (which is the best for weight lost anyways).

Intermitent fasting also works wonders.

Secret Chief

nirvana is samsara
Er...weight lifting is anaerobic exercise, designed to create muscle. As such, it is likely to lead to weight gain, on its own.

Weight loss comes from regular moderate intensity aerobic exercise. At least 30 minutes 4-5 times a week. One should have a slightly raised heart rate during the exercise.

Me Myself

Back to my username
Er...weight lifting is anaerobic exercise, designed to create muscle. As such, it is likely to lead to weight gain, on its own.

Weight loss comes from regular moderate intensity aerobic exercise. At least 30 minutes 4-5 times a week. One should have a slightly raised heart rate during the exercise.

Naturally. But gaining muscle weight helps ou lose fat weight. Muscle burns fat.


Well-Known Member
well we have decided the Atkins may be too punishing. 20 carbs a day would have us fainting. So we are going to try to bring our carbs down to 200 carbs a day, seeing as how the average intake is between 225 and 325 g per day.

also looking to join a gym since funds are not so much an issue now.


Well-Known Member
So, hello everyone. I'm new to this thread. Since 2010 I have lost 40 lbs. I've gone from 255-215. I'm 4'9 and should be around 130. I want to get to 160 and then I'll decide what to do then. Right now I'm waiting to get my treadmill. I won't go into details, but I'm waiting for my uncle to bring it to me. I have a good plan already made and I am curious as to if it will be a good one for me. Before, I did a lot of cardio and got into running. Running has prob been the best thing for me even though I'm not that good yet lol.

My plan is: jump rope, jog 30-45 min's and do weights. I have underarm fat I want to get rid of, and I thought jumping rope and weights would help out but I'm not an expert or anything. I have a weight set (like what you see at the gym) already to go (it's my fathers, he's had it for yrs).

For my diet I am just eating healthy and listening to my body and limiting junk food. My diet is fine I just have to get back into working out.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
My plan is: jump rope, jog 30-45 min's and do weights. I have underarm fat I want to get rid of, and I thought jumping rope and weights would help out but I'm not an expert or anything. I have a weight set (like what you see at the gym) already to go (it's my fathers, he's had it for yrs).
Jump roping is a great work out, is awesome aerobics, low impact, and burns a good amount of calories.

I still haven't got to joining that gym, a small part of procrastination but on many days I have planned to actually get there and start I have stuff that comes up. Probably tomorrow though I am going to join.


Wonder Woman
Haven't posted on here for quite some time. While I did lose quite a bit I still have more to go before I am happy with myself. I look okay I guess. I'm wearing sizes 8-10 depending on styles and am currently 144lbs. Still think I should be lower and trimmer though. Just having trouble getting the scale to budge lately.

I keep tweaking my diet. I've found the benefit of using a tracker which tracks everything, including things like calcium, protein, potassium, iron, and various vitamins and so on, is that you can get a good idea if you are consistently lacking in any area so you can fix that. Right now my biggest concerns are my calcium and protein levels, but I think I've found a very simple and easy help for that.

Also, planning on investing in at least one or two proper hoops as I want to try hooping and add that to my walking, jogging, and dancing mix of exercise I have going now. I really should get back into strength training as well, just haven't dug out my weights for a while. Really need a kick in the rear to do that.

All in all, I wouldn't be so upset with my body when it comes to my weight if it weren't for the fact that my BF percentage is simply not where I'd like it to be. I mean, if I'm going to weigh this much it should be far more muscle IMO. Otherwise, I'm continuing to drive both my bodyfat and weight down together and just shoot for around upper 120's or at least 130. As long as the BF% is appropriate when I get there.