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What is a Prince(ss) of Darkness?


Here until I storm off again
Premium Member
A lot of people still associated "Darkness" with evil and negative things. In actuality, "Darkness" refers to the Stellar Tradition and all it implies, rather than things that are negative. The Stellar Tradition was the first esoteric system of humanity, based around immortality of the self, apotheosis, separation from the gods, and other such things. The Stellar Tradition is more or less identical to what is known today as the Left Hand Path.

When we speak of a Prince of Darkness we may not even be speaking of beings associated with Dark at all. In fact many PoDs are not necessarily dark, such as Lucifer, Prometheus, and Coyote. Instead, the PoDs tend to be associated with overcoming (not being resurrected from) death, being separate from or above the gods, playing a role in human creation/evolution, being trickster Gods, causing change or destruction, storm gods, and of course Stellar gods - being either related to Venus or the Imperishable Stars.

Let's look at some of the reasoning behind these Princes and Princesses of Darkness. For these purpose I am simply providing information that is easily accessible to all.

Afro-Brazillian - Pomba Gira
"While Exu represents male sexuality, fertility and strength, Pomba Gira personifies female sexuality, beauty and desire.[3] She is depicted as a beautiful woman who is insatiable. Pomba Gira is venerated with great respect and care because of her reputation for possessing great wrath. She is often invoked by those who seek aid in matters of the heart and love.[4] Pomba Gira is noted for her connection with both transgender women and effeminate male worshippers and is reputed to possess both.[5][6] Some representations of Pomba Gira display the characteristics of being promiscuous, talkative and vulgar. However she has many avatars, and will be more or less inclined towards that behavior depending on how she manifests herself."

Akan - Anansi
"In the Caribbean, Anansi is often celebrated as a symbol of slave resistance and survival. Anansi is able to turn the tables on his powerful oppressors by using his cunning and trickery, a model of behaviour utilised by slaves to gain the upper hand within the confines of the plantation power structure. Anansi is also believed to have played a multifunctional role in the slaves' lives; as well as inspiring strategies of resistance, the tales enabled enslaved Africans to establish a sense of continuity with their African past and offered them the means to transform and assert their identity within the boundaries of captivity"

Aztec - Quetzalcoatl
"Quetzalcoatl, the Aztec god of wind, air, and learning, wears around his neck the "wind breastplate" ehecailacocozcatl, "the spirally voluted wind jewel" made of a conch shell. This talisman was a conch shell cut at the cross-section and was likely worn as a necklace by religious rulers, as they have been discovered in burials in archaeological sites throughout Mesoamerica, and potentially symbolized patterns witnessed in hurricanes, dust devils, seashells, and whirlpools, which were elemental forces that had significance in Aztec mythology... Quetzalcoatl was related to gods of the wind, of the planet Venus, of the dawn, of merchants and of arts, crafts and knowledge. He was also the patron god of the Aztec priesthood, of learning and knowledge.[9] Quetzalcoatl was one of several important gods in the Aztec pantheon, along with the gods Tlaloc, Tezcatlipoca and Huitzilopochtli. Two other gods represented by the planet Venus are Quetzalcoatl's ally Tlaloc who is the god of rain, and Quetzalcoatl's twin and psychopomp, who is named Xolotl."

Celtic - Andarta
"In Celtic polytheism, Andarta was a goddess worshiped in southern Gaul. Inscriptions to her have been found in southern France and in Bern, Switzerland.[1] The name has traditionally be translated as "Great/Big Bear", but a more critical analysis of the name in 2018 by linguist Blanca María Prósper offers the translation "Well-fixed, Staying firm", [2]"

Chinese - Monkey King
"Hoping that a promotion and a rank amongst the gods will make him more manageable, the Jade Emperor invites Sun Wukong to Heaven. The monkey believes he will receive an honorable place as one of the gods but is instead made the Protector of the Horses to watch over the stables, the lowest job in heaven. He rebels and proclaims himself the Great Sage, Equal of Heaven and sets the Cloud Horses free in vengeance. The Heavens are forced to recognize his title; however, they again try to put him off as the guardian of the Heavenly Peach Garden. When he finds that he is excluded from a royal banquet that includes every other important god and goddess, his indignation turns to open defiance. He steals and consumes Xi Wangmu's Peaches of immortality, Laozi's pills of longevity, and the Jade Emperor's royal wine, then escapes back to his kingdom in preparation for his rebellion. Sun Wukong later single-handedly defeats the Army of Heaven's 100,000 celestial warriors, all 28 constellations, four heavenly kings, and Nezha, and proves himself equal to the best of Heaven's generals, Erlang Shen."

Fijian - Daucina
"In Fijian mythology (Fiji), Daucina ("torchbearer") is the great god of seafaring Fiji. When Daucina was a toddler, he was only quiet when looking at a lamp. His mother tied fiery reeds to his head so that he would be calm. He has roamed the coral reefs with a hood on ever since.[1] He is a trickster and a patron of adulterers, and a seducer of women."

Hittite - Sauska
"Shaushka is interesting in that she uses her authority in matters of sexuality to mess around a little where she saw fit. Texts describe Shaushka as similar to Ishtar, as an ambiguous goddess who supervised conjugal love and harmonious relationships but, unpredictably, could turn love into a dangerous endeavor. Reliefs at Yazilikaya show the goddess twice: in one relief she is depicted with male gods and in another with the goddesses. According to Hittite texts about Shaushka of Lawazantiya: she is clothed like a man and like a woman, and has male attributes such as an axe and weapons. Sometimes this has been taken as a sign of her bisexual or androgynous character.[4]"

Native American - Coyote
"Coyote has been compared to both the Scandinavian Loki, and also Prometheus, who shared with Coyote the trick of having stolen fire from the gods as a gift for mankind, and Anansi, a mythological culture hero from Western African mythology. In Eurasia, rather than a coyote, a fox is often featured as a trickster hero, ranging from kitsune (fox) tales in Japan to the Reynard cycle in Western Europe. Claude Lévi-Strauss, French anthropologist proposed a structuralist theory that suggests that Coyote and Crow obtained mythic status because they are mediator animals between life and death.[1]"

Slavic - Veles
"Slavic god of earth, waters, forests and the underworld. His attributes are wet, wooly, hairy (bearded), dark and he is associated with cattle, the harvest, wealth, music, magic and trickery. Believed to be related to the Indo-European deity of Mitra, as well as the Norse deity Loki. According to reconstruction by some researchers he is the opponent of the Supreme thunder-god Perun.[2]:211–214 As such he probably has been imagined as a dragon, which in the belief of the pagan Slavs is a chimeric being, a serpent with a bear's head and drooping hairy ears... Veles, in the form of a huge serpent, slithers from the caves of the Underworld and coils upwards the Slavic world tree towards Perun's heavenly domain. Perun retaliates and attacks Veles with his lightning bolts. Veles flees, hiding or transforming himself into trees, animals or people..."

Turkish - Erlik
"In the myths of the Turkic and Mongolian peoples, Erlik was involved in the creation of humanity.[1] He slew the messenger-god, Maidere, and is a teacher of sin. He is sometimes represented by a totemic bear. In Turkic mythology, Erlik was the deity of evil, darkness, lord of the lower world and judge of the dead. He is known as the first of mankind, created by Ulgen. He wants to be equal to Ulgen, but is in a position inferior to him. Then he wanted to make his own land and was sent to the prison at the 9th layer of the earth and became opposed to the upper world, the realm of light."

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
Darkness does get an unfortunate bad rap. Though people fear the dark, it is the dark that allows the light to pass through. The greatest breath the dark while bending the light. Because, why have knowledge, power, wisdom, and control over one "side" when you can walk them both?
If i'm evolving in de-evolution than ignorance would be my only enemy. Darkness/Fear/Ignorance is corruption. Devil Left hand path Christ right hand path. It's seeming like the devil becomes the king of heaven, and Christ becomes the anti-Christ being the king of hell.
When we speak of a Prince of Darkness we may not even be speaking of beings associated with Dark at all. In fact many PoDs are not necessarily dark, such as Lucifer, Prometheus, and Coyote. Instead, the PoDs tend to be associated with overcoming (not being resurrected from) death, being separate from or above the gods, playing a role in human creation/evolution, being trickster Gods, causing change or destruction, storm gods, and of course Stellar gods - being either related to Venus or the Imperishable Stars.
Wait there, you do not think Lucifer is dark. He sinned and caused the fall of angelic and human races. Sin began with Lucifer, it also ends with Lucifer. When everyone is judged good and evil everything points to the perversion and abstract concept of Lucifer's advances.