...and those who tell us what to think so we don't have to.
It seems to me this is the core issue with believing in external authorities. It is a projection, an escape, of not wanting to deal with the difficult issues of navigating our own internal landscapes and finding our way through to Truth. We want others to tell us the way, so we don't have to take responsibility. "God said it, I believe it, that settles it for me," is a form of cowardice.
Agree? Disagree?
Me thinks of it like this. When we were teens, we depended on our parents. When we got older, see, we felt we were adults and can take care of ourselves. Half going to churchb or raised in the church becomes av healthy crutch and thankfully so. Not many can to it. My old friend turned Muslim to Christian and her reply was, "I can't do it pon my own!".
Meanwhile, in our thirties we start clarifying our morals. Maybe you find you believed but thats anbout it. Depending, you finally got the age to think outside your comfort zone......or am I talking to soon? Or too late, perhaps.
Then a miracle happens and bits t your control. God told you he is real. Big kid. I read a book that says god is a fafher figure than many people never had. It was more that people can project what they want on god because they know god isnin them and therefore, how can he say no like a real father when the spiritual father is more feeling and patterned circumstances among other human events.
But it cant be helped. Try living in a desert with only yourself to survive. Thats what its like psychologically. Though, its not a bad thing. I never gone through it but almost had ans for me it made me less "connected."
Comfort zones saves peoples lives. I understand. If someone tried proving Buddhism was false and debated me about anestors, then I know what its like having your beliefs that keep you afloat questiones for its validity.
Uncomfortable yes. Anoying that people cant thinknfor themselves? Not that they dont want to. But its impossible god them to live without god.
Security net. Everyone has one.