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Does a belief in a god show lack of education?


Veteran Member
I didn't say "numinous" or "spiritual" I said "people say they converse with God".

You claim humans are generally irrational in belief. Name something else
So that you can hand-wave that away in the same manner? Nope, I think it's your turn to answer a question.
where the vast, overwhelming majority of persons disbelieve or believe falsely DESPITE clear EVIDENCE.
Can you please name a piece of evidence, accepted by the vast majority of believers for their gods?


Veteran Member
So you're still arguing for the idea the that if a majority
believe something, that this is proof of being The Truth, eh.
It's a poor objective, since mass hysteria is also possible.

If you really want to pursue it, you must address how
there is no majority for any particular belief system.
Believers cannot agree upon....
- How many gods there are.
- What these gods require of us.
- The powers of these gods.
- What these gods have done.
- The language of these gods.
- Slavery being right or wrong.
- Which scared books are real.
- The images of these gods, eg, animal, human.
- Whether humans or animals are sacrificed for successful crops.
- Whether women are lesser creatures than men.
- Circumstances justifying violence towards others.

So all you have is a common tendency for humans
to believe in supernatural beings. This is clearly not
a reliable basis for making claims for a true religion.

Are you going to respond to THIS or no?

You claim by implications that humans are generally irrational in belief. Name something else where the vast, overwhelming majority of persons disbelieve or believe falsely DESPITE the evidence. Conclusion: God exists and we are aware of him except for statistical outliers.


Veteran Member
So that you can hand-wave that away in the same manner? Nope, I think it's your turn to answer a question.
Can you please name a piece of evidence, accepted by the vast majority of believers for their gods?

I'll answer a question, no evidence exists for God. Now you answer this question:

You claim by implications that humans are generally irrational in belief. Name something else where the vast, overwhelming majority of persons believe falsely DESPITE the lack of evidence!

Conclusion: God exists and we are aware of him except for statistical outliers.


Veteran Member
People claim all sorts of nonsense, that doesn't make it true. there is no objective evidence for your claim, just unevidenced anecdote and a bare appeal to numbers fallacy which you have used here again.

Conclusion: An unevidenced claim you have evidence, is not evidence.

I didn't say "some people claim all sorts of nonsense". Address my point:

You claim by implications that humans are generally irrational in belief. Name something else where the vast, overwhelming majority of persons disbelieve or believe falsely DESPITE the evidence. Conclusion: God exists and we are aware of him except for statistical outliers.


Veteran Member
That's a false dichotomy fallacy, since no one has demonstrated any objective evidence. Though a lot of creationist deny the scientific fact of species evolution of course, despite the overwhelming objective evidence to support it, and from converging fields of science at that.

You've consistently made irrational claims, like the argumentum ad populum fallacy you used previously, and the false dichotomy fallacy you used in that post. You don't seem to know you're doing it, or what it means. Again then, no one needs a counter example to your claim, as asserting someone disprove something is an argumentum ad ignorantiam fallacy.

What objective evidence can you demonstrate for any deity or deities?

Stating that nearly every human ever believes in God is not an ad populum, it is a claim that you would need to prove that most people are utterly irrational or insane to prove your LACK of belief.

FINE! There is no evidence for God, now answer my question (which you are yet to even attempt to answer):

You claim by implications that humans are generally irrational in belief. Name something else where the vast, overwhelming majority of persons believe falsely DESPITE the LACK of ALL evidence.

Conclusion: God exists and we are aware of him except for statistical outliers.

Dan From Smithville

For the World Is Hollow and I Have Touched the Sky
Staff member
Premium Member
I'll answer a question, no evidence exists for God. Now you answer this question:

You claim by implications that humans are generally irrational in belief. Name something else where the vast, overwhelming majority of persons believe falsely DESPITE the lack of evidence!

Conclusion: God exists and we are aware of him except for statistical outliers.
Can you show that something exists simply based on the number of people that believe it exists? Based on that, many believed things would exist. Islam.


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
Are you going to respond to THIS or no?
I just did respond.
You even quoted my response.
You claim by implications that humans are generally irrational in belief. Name something else where the vast, overwhelming majority of persons disbelieve or believe falsely DESPITE the evidence.
There is no religious belief that is believed by an
overwhelming majority. But even if there were,
this wouldn't be proof of it being factual.
That have been widely believed, yet later found false...
- Socialism is a kind & productive system.
- Earth is center of the solar system.
- Disease is caused by things like witches, bad air, etc.
Conclusion: God exists and we are aware of him except for statistical outliers.
You're saying that all beliefs are true if they're very common?


Veteran Member
FINE! There is no evidence for God,

Then why do you believe it exists?

You claim by implications that humans are generally irrational in belief.

Well inventing the method and principles of logic would seem rather redundant if we weren't, wouldn't you say?

Name something else where the vast, overwhelming majority of persons believe falsely DESPITE the LACK of ALL evidence.

Do you mean something other than theistic belief? I haven't claimed theistic belief is false, only that I don't share it, because as you said there is no evidence for it.

Conclusion: God exists and we are aware of him except for statistical outliers.

Well I've made it clear that as an atheist I don't believe that, and you have made it clear you have no evidence for any deity, so I'm not sure what your point is? Lots of people hold a variety of theistic beliefs in different and sometimes the same diety, so what?


Veteran Member
I'll answer a question, no evidence exists for God. Now you answer this question:

You claim by implications that humans are generally irrational in belief. Name something else where the vast, overwhelming majority of persons believe falsely DESPITE the lack of evidence!
People believe falsely against existing evidence as I pointed out.
I can't point to something that people falsely believe despite lack of evidence - because I don't know if it's false when there is no evidence. But neither can they so their belief is irrational if not false.
Conclusion: God exists and we are aware of him except for statistical outliers.
Conclusion: You don't know if a god exists or what its properties are. Believing in something you have no evidence for is irrational - if not false.


Veteran Member
People believe falsely against existing evidence as I pointed out.
I can't point to something that people falsely believe despite lack of evidence - because I don't know if it's false when there is no evidence. But neither can they so their belief is irrational if not false.

Conclusion: You don't know if a god exists or what its properties are. Believing in something you have no evidence for is irrational - if not false.

I didn't say "some people falsely believe" I said name ANYTHING in creation (person, place, thing, doctrine, concept) OTHER than God that the vast, overwhelming majority believe in despite lack of evidence or falsely believe despite contrary evidence.

I gave you the playing ground of the known universe and you can't do it, because there's nothing else that points to such irrationality.

Congratulations, we theists run your asylum.


Veteran Member
I just did respond.
You even quoted my response.

There is no religious belief that is believed by an
overwhelming majority. But even if there were,
this wouldn't be proof of it being factual.
That have been widely believed, yet later found false...
- Socialism is a kind & productive system.
- Earth is center of the solar system.
- Disease is caused by things like witches, bad air, etc.

You're saying that all beliefs are true if they're very common?

There is a religious belief that is believed by an overwhelming majority. That the nature of man is religious, numinous. You can disprove my point simply by taking ANYTHING ELSE IN THE KNOWN UNIVERSE besides God where:

99% of people believe falsely despite the evidence OR
99% of people believe despite contrary evidence

ANY thing in the universe. Go!


Veteran Member
Then why do you believe it exists?

Well inventing the method and principles of logic would seem rather redundant if we weren't, wouldn't you say?

Do you mean something other than theistic belief? I haven't claimed theistic belief is false, only that I don't share it, because as you said there is no evidence for it.

Well I've made it clear that as an atheist I don't believe that, and you have made it clear you have no evidence for any deity, so I'm not sure what your point is? Lots of people hold a variety of theistic beliefs in different and sometimes the same diety, so what?

I suspect your "unaware of my point" since you do not address my arguments or the wholeness of them. I'll restate:

Name something in the known universe that 99% of people believe despite contrary evidence (or disbelieve despite firm evidence) other than God.

The overwhelming majority's belief in God is proof of God or proof of man's complete, utter irrationality. All you have to do now is prove our utter irrationality. You cannot, and my confidence is such that you have the entire known universe to choose from. Go!

PS. Since you claim to misunderstand my prior point, I'll restate it:

Resolved: There is no evidence for God, therefore, nearly every human who has ever lived is absolutely irrational.

Proof of resolution: Name ANYTHING other than God that everyone falsely believes in.


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
There is a religious belief that is believed by an overwhelming majority.
There is no "a religious belief".
There are sundry different & incompatible religious beliefs.
That the nature of man is religious, numinous. You can disprove my point simply by taking ANYTHING ELSE IN THE KNOWN UNIVERSE besides God where:

99% of people believe falsely despite the evidence OR
99% of people believe despite contrary evidence

ANY thing in the universe. Go!
We'll have to agree to disagree that popularity
of a range of beliefs means that one sector
of them (Christian god) is The Truth.

Dan From Smithville

For the World Is Hollow and I Have Touched the Sky
Staff member
Premium Member
There is a religious belief that is believed by an overwhelming majority. That the nature of man is religious, numinous. You can disprove my point simply by taking ANYTHING ELSE IN THE KNOWN UNIVERSE besides God where:

99% of people believe falsely despite the evidence OR
99% of people believe despite contrary evidence

ANY thing in the universe. Go!
Where do you get your numbers to calculate percentages. Again, is belief by a large number or any majority evidence for that which those people believe. Or is it evidence that a large number of people believe something?

If your assertion is correct, then anything a large number of people believe thus exists or is true.

Dan From Smithville

For the World Is Hollow and I Have Touched the Sky
Staff member
Premium Member
I didn't say "some people falsely believe" I said name ANYTHING in creation (person, place, thing, doctrine, concept) OTHER than God that the vast, overwhelming majority believe in despite lack of evidence or falsely believe despite contrary evidence.

I gave you the playing ground of the known universe and you can't do it, because there's nothing else that points to such irrationality.

Congratulations, we theists run your asylum.
So you think belief in God puts us in charge of an asylum?

Dan From Smithville

For the World Is Hollow and I Have Touched the Sky
Staff member
Premium Member
I suspect your "unaware of my point" since you do not address my arguments or the wholeness of them. I'll restate:

Name something in the known universe that 99% of people believe despite contrary evidence (or disbelieve despite firm evidence) other than God.

The overwhelming majority's belief in God is proof of God or proof of man's complete, utter irrationality. All you have to do now is prove our utter irrationality. You cannot, and my confidence is such that you have the entire known universe to choose from. Go!

PS. Since you claim to misunderstand my prior point, I'll restate it:

Resolved: There is no evidence for God, therefore, nearly every human who has ever lived is absolutely irrational.

Proof of resolution: Name ANYTHING other than God that everyone falsely believes in.
I don't think anyone can name something that has no evidence that 99% of any group of people believe.

What is nearly? Do you have evidence of this? Believing your own assertion seems like a circular argument leading to the inevitable conclusion that it is irrational.


Loving God and my neighbor as myself.
I've seen it said to people here on numerous occasions that they are not highly educated if they believe in a god.

I've seen it said to some that claim that a god has spoken to them that they are possibility suffering of mental illness.

Do you think these hold truth's?
There are plenty of highly educated people who believe in God. Claiming that monotheism is a function of lack of education is just certain people lying to themselves. Einstein himself believed in a deistic sort of God.

As a professional counselor, I have to object to the misuse of the concept of mental illness by these atheists. In order to be diagnosed as mentally ill, a person must be dysfunctional. And theists simply are not, as a group, dysfunctional. Indeed, scientific research has shown that those involved in religious communities are healthier, happier, longer lived, and have a buffer against anxiety and depression. I would encourage these atheists to stop with the armchair diagnoses -- they aren't qualified and are in error.


Veteran Member
I didn't say "some people falsely believe" I said name ANYTHING in creation (person, place, thing, doctrine, concept) OTHER than God that the vast, overwhelming majority believe in despite lack of evidence or falsely believe despite contrary evidence.
I answered that question in #244.
I gave you the playing ground of the known universe and you can't do it, because there's nothing else that points to such irrationality.
"Nothing is as irrational as a belief in gods, therefore it must be true." Theist logic.