It is only your opinion and the opinion of the others who point it out.
No, I am making observations of your posts and your thinking process and I identify your errors. This is no more an opinion than watching you ignore ingredients to a recipe that you are baking. The results are flawed because you didn't follow the rules. The same works with reasoning. There is a strict form of thinking that offers reliable results, just like in baking. If you ignore putting yeast in a loaf of bread you are baking it will be a solid block of wheat that can't be eaten. You are insisting it is fine, and it is just our opinion the loaf of bread is a solid block of wheat that can't be eaten. We can observe people messing up both baking as well as reasoning, and these observations are not opinions. Your thinking is consistently flawed because you ignore the rules of logic. You believe you put in yeast, but no one saw you put it in. Yes you keep insisting it's just our opinion that you didn't add yeast. No, we observed you avoid that crucial part. You want to ignore this observation and reduce it to bad opinion because you don't want to admit a flaw in your baking.
My opinion is limited to my personal belief about what we all observe you doing. My personal belief and opinion is that you are not concerned about truth, or being accurate in your thinking, but about getting attention you get from us. My criticisms about your thinking process is not opinion, it is explaining your flaws and errors.
Why would it matter if others who agree with you point it out? That does not prove anything, except that they share your personal opinion.
Again you make an error by misrepresenting observations as mere opinion. We critics, atheists and believers, point out the same observations of your errors of thinking.
Nobody explains my errors at all, let alone in detail.
Your denial is getting deeper. It's on Orwellian-level denial at this point.
Ask yourself why you have to point out what you believe are my errors. What are you gaining by this?
Fun. Entertainment.
One thing I've learned in debate is to be very considerate about what I assert as true, because there are many smart people who will challenge any errors I make. You don't have this concern, which is typical of extremely religious people.
Maybe I have to be wrong in your mind so you can believe you are right.
You don't seem self-aware enough to look at your own motives, and often work hard to switch the focus away from yourself. Oddly, you are making the claims here, yet you want to push away any criticisms to help deny they are valid.