Jesus said no one takes his life from him, but he lays it down to take it up again.
So, in a sense, Jesus killed Jesus.
A lot of people wanted Jesus to die including God his Father.
There were plenty Jews and gentiles that wanted Jesus dead, contributed to his arrest and execution, as well as the persecution, arrest, and death of many of his followers.
The greatest persecution of Christ and his followers took place in the 20th century, from Bolsheviks and communists, who killed more Christians, than Jews killed in the Holocaust by far.
Most modern forms of communism are grounded at least nominally in Marxism, and Marx was a Jew, but he also was very against Judaism, and he even expressed that the world must be liberated from Judaism.
So, plenty of Jews opposed communism, which is what I tell people who say "Jews had disproportionate ties to Communism".
I also point out that Christians and Jews were allies in the war in Lebanon, and I have met an enormous amount of Christians online and off, who support Israel, and will have no tolerance to anything remotely close to antisemitic remarks.
Countless Jews work with, and live in harmony and fellowship with Christians.
Jesus was Jewish on his mother's side, the Apostles, his foster Father, the first Pope, and multiple other Popes, and Paul were Jews. Many Catholic traditions, including the Mass, have roots in Judaism!
It is true, Communism has been responsible for over 100 million deaths, and some ignorant people will blame Jews for that , based on Marxism , and Karl Marx being Jewish, or Jews who had ties to Bolsheviks, but that isn't fair, because many Jews are very critical of and opposed to Marx, and even interpret some of his remarks as antisemitic!
Jewish Religion, traditions of their Fathers, are not compatible with Marxism.
The devout Jews I have met in real life, (with the exception of a criminal I met in jail) were having what appears to be the qualities or virtues a good Christian should have.
I had a Jew knock on my door because he saw my cross, and he was wearing a yarmulke, wanted to pray with me.
No one else there wanted to pray with me at that time in my life. His dad also bought me pizza.
He was one of the most kind and humble people I ever met. He was not against Jesus, he just didn't think Jesus met the prophetic requirements for Messiah. He also invited me to his place of worship.
A Jew Franz Werfel, wrote "the song of Bernadette", about the Virgin Mary and Saint Bernadette, and he never converted to Christianity.
His book became a bestseller and film , that won awards, which millions of Christians have enjoyed and cherished.
The Jews and Roman are not to blame for the death of Christ. God willed Jesus be a sacrificial lamb of God who suffers and dies to atone for sin.
It means Jesus and his Father wanted Jesus to be crucified! When it was time for Jesus to be crucified, Christ said "now has the time come, for the Son of Man to be glorified!"