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Estro Felino

Believer in free will
Premium Member
I know some people who probably have a hoarding disorder, that is, they love stockpiling useless stuff, that could be labeled as clutter.
Maybe hanging out with such people made me become really terrified by clutter.
So I am such a de-clutterer. I love to recycle stuff, that is, I take so much stuff to the waste management center of the city and they will take care of that clutter. I recycle all that I find in my rooms.

I love very, very few things in my environment. Like this:


I am such an IKEA woman.

What about you? Do you declutter?
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अहं ब्रह्मास्मि
Staff member
Premium Member
My small studio apartment is more minimalist than the image above. I have a desk, a dresser, a bed, a nightstand, a small dinette, a refrigerator, and a plant. No TV. The only decorations I have are a a few pictures of my daughters, a memorial candle for my elder daughter, a few crafts they made for me, and my shrine, which consists of a Nataraja statue, a lingam, a wooden ॐ, and a censer. Oh, and there is an ॐ that hangs on the wall above my bed, also wooden.

The problem I have is people keep giving me stuff.

Estro Felino

Believer in free will
Premium Member
I don't hoard useless stuff. I know for almost everything that's lying around what I'll use it for or what it could be used for. I just haven't gotten around to it.
Hoarding disorder has nothing to do with what you've described. :)
It's something very normal, what you do.

This is what a serial hoarder's house look like



Premium Member
When my Dad passed, he lived in a retired persons apartment that was minimally furnished. My brother and I took his possessions to the local thrift shop the day before his funeral. They didn't even fill the back seat of my car. It was so easy. When my MIL passed, we (she, Boss mostly) had to sell the house, sort through tons of stuff to chuck or keep, have a garage sale, move all her stuff, etc. It took about a year. Minimalism is so beneficial for survivors.


Veteran Member
Hoarding disorder has nothing to do with what you've described. :)
It's something very normal, what you do.

This is what a serial hoarder's house look like

Looks like home. ;-)

Seriously, I do have too much stuff laying around, mostly raw materials for multiple projects I need to get at least 120 years old to all complete. But it's not junk that is useless, so I guess I don't have a hoarding disorder, just a lot of stuff.


"Be strong", I whispered to my coffee.
Premium Member
Don't collect clutter (except in the out building which is used as a garden shed, wood store and workshop).

We are not into the minimalist look though. More homey with throws, cushions, books and cats everywhere.

About 2/3 of our waste is recyclable. France is big into recycling, the local poubelles (bins) are green waste, recyclable waste, glass, oil, and non-recyclable. We take our waste about 3 times per week. Even the recyclable cat litter (our biggest amount of trash) goes in the green waste.

Estro Felino

Believer in free will
Premium Member
Looks like home. ;-)

Seriously, I do have too much stuff laying around, mostly raw materials for multiple projects I need to get at least 120 years old to all complete. But it's not junk that is useless, so I guess I don't have a hoarding disorder, just a lot of stuff.
It's incredible.
I am just like a Teutonic
Fräulein Rottenmeier, and you are like an Italic Leonardo Da Vinci.
;) :heartbeat:


Not As Much Fun As I Look
Staff member
Premium Member
I tend to collect too many clothes and too many books, but its nothing problematic. The majority of the clothes fit in the closet, underwear/accessories/pajamas go in the dresser, and I have a giant woven basket for things like plain colored basic skirts, leggings, or camisoles. My books all fit on shelves in the library.

My husband borders on being a hoarder, and if I wasn't there to put a foot down, I'm sure he'd have this house loaded. I have a beautiful screened in front porch that I can't use because its covered in building materials and car parts. They're supposed to be in the very large shed in the back, but that's full of random junk people dumped on him(because people identify who can't say no to their crap and push it off on them so they don't have to throw it away). He has, however, realized this is a problem and is willing to do something about it, but hauling away all that junk is no small task. Dad has offered to rent him a dumpster, which he's agreed to, now its just setting up a time to do it(he'll need to take a few days off work to attend to it).

Some of its cultural, I think. When I first brought him home, I was flabbergasted that he kept getting, what appeared to me to be garbage, from the side of the road, insisting he could sell it. "No one wants to buy that broken junk" I'd tell him. He was here years before he realized that was true. But! When I visited where he had come from, I noticed there were often folks sitting on the corner on blankets, with broken junk all over them, and people were indeed stopping to buy it.

The main rooms of the house are hoarding free, but they are full of toys. There's a city in the living room, and a monster truck derby going on in the library right now.

Debater Slayer

Staff member
Premium Member
I intentionally sleep on a portable mattress in a room where I have a stand fan and a small table on which there are a small night light, my glasses, and a Kindle. Sometimes I get up and use a laptop if I need to. I also don't have a TV and don't miss it.

When I was growing up, my family were in a very financially modest situation, so now that we're in a much more comfortable situation, it doesn't take much to keep me content as far as possessions go.

Sand Dancer

Crazy Cat Lady
I know some people who probably have a hoarding disorder, that is, they love stockpiling useless stuff, that could be labeled as clutter.
Maybe hanging out with such people made me become really terrified by clutter.
So I am such a de-clutterer. I love to recycle stuff, that is, I take so much stuff to the waste management center of the city and they will take care of that clutter. I recycle all that I find in my rooms.

I love very, very few things in my environment. Like this:

View attachment 77114

I am such an IKEA woman.

What about you? Do you declutter?
I help people with decluttering. I find it feels free and unencumbered. People tend to have too much "stuff."