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  • Thanks for the winner frubes on "Evidence" for God - Continued from another thread
    The Bible Will Cease to Exist in 100 years!
    Thanks for the frube on Which religions do / do not have any decrees on / against masturbation?
    Cheers muchly for the winner and like frubes on Solution to homosexuals is by government executions according to Pastor.
    Thanks for the winner frube on If you had the power to grant your own wishes.What would you wish for?
    Thanks for the frube on The Resurrection is it provable?.
    Most people don't like that scenario though it is the closest to how Rome worked at that time so far more likely than the biblical version
    Thanks for the frube on Antiabortion lawmakers want to block patients from crossing state lines
    Thanks for the i and like frubes on why all atheists thinks that all reasoning is favoring atheism only ?
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