Thanx for the can doG be experienced fruball.
And for froobling exposing weird sexual references.
And for the return of Hillary in 2020 furbil.
And for flurbing my forgiveness.
And for the innocent man shown innocent foorlbe.
And for foulbring Nerdelungen written in geekensprachen.
And for the Panzenburgler Kratschengrabben Wienerstucken
Bubenhonken frooben
And for froobling exposing weird sexual references.
And for the return of Hillary in 2020 furbil.
And for flurbing my forgiveness.
And for the innocent man shown innocent foorlbe.
And for foulbring Nerdelungen written in geekensprachen.
And for the Panzenburgler Kratschengrabben Wienerstucken
Bubenhonken frooben