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  • One stupid question ,It's On me...Paul(Saul) question...sorry
    Sorry, I don't understand. What was stupid about it?
    The mosaic you have put up reminds me of II Kings 20. The prophet rebukes Hezekiah for showing foreign envoys all of his goods and treasures, but the prophet is too late.
    Don't mind me, I was just going through old threads again :D The joy of insomnia.
    This forum takes some exploring. Please, how do I amend my DIR and what does that mean?
    I'm messaging you an explanation.
    Hi. . . How do I operate this forum. Write and post comments, threads, and conversations. All very confusing. Regards
    Hi and welcome! I'll message you instructions.
    Thanx for the some of us got it frublit.
    And for phurballing "naytriot".
    And for the women blaming all guys for incel culture.
    Thanx for the adverse possession flurbot.
    And for the ambiguity froobuity.
    And for phurballing old & cranky but not woke.
    And for the birthday cake froub.
    And for flurballing shocked about politics.
    And for the ballistic food phroob.
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