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  • Thanx for frooballing cowardice.
    And for the problem of China fruba.
    And for flurbing the plethora of posts last nite.
    And for the BLM goal I agree with froobe.
    And for furballing not fomenting violence.
    And for the pricey photovoltaic proposal fruubal.
    Thanx for the physician vs epidemiologist froobist.
    And for flurbing cold fusion vs miracle cures.
    And for the Trump on the MICC bandwagon floorbyl.
    And for the plethora of more MICC flurbes.
    And for furballing swaying a few humans towards peace.
    And for the availability of more peaceful candidates flourble.
    And for foorballing finding Waldo in any language.
    Thanx for the chili frubi.
    And for flurbing paranoid friends.
    And for the pro blasphemy frouby.
    And for foorballing the difference between concern & paranoia.
    And for the progressives & recycling frubling.
    And for flurballing voting strategic + issues.
    And for the involuntary history learning froobing.
    Thanx for the several not so authoritarian froobals.
    And for flurbing Snowden vs "the proper channels".
    And for the Trump unfriendliness to whistleblowers flurbe.
    And for the Seattle vs Tacoma froobal.
    And for furballing Homer Simpson trying to vote.
    And for the vicious arguments for fun froube.
    And for fooblering gamey tasting liberals.
    Thanx for the Hello Kitty truncheon froobil.
    And for flurbing jazz melding with classical.
    And for the bogus claim of Covid being a hoax flurbit.
    And for foorballing using fake quotes to demonize.
    And for the programme music froub.
    And for furbling Despondex.
    And for the problems with the <ignore> function flurbal.
    Thanx for the not adding mischievous inferences frooble.
    And for flurbing my being a funny drawing.
    And for the proper respect for Lego Dundee flurbe.
    And for furballing low expectations for politicians, & avoiding disappointment.
    And for the avoiding ever getting the plague froobe.
    And for fluorbing condolences for the English Equality Act.
    Thanx for froobing risking retribution for preserving civil liberties.
    And for the threads going south frubal.
    And for the 100% atheist froobist.
    And for flurbing no atheist Presidents.
    And for the threads dun gone south froulbe.
    And for furballing some of us smelling funny.
    And for the reisting bullies/terrorists fruble.
    Thanx for foorbling atheists not being better than believers.
    And for the different kinds of ounces & pounds furball.
    And for flurbing a money back guarantee of a Biden win.
    And for the President Harris froobis.
    And for furlbing resistance to threats to civil liberties.
    And for the Islamic chopping block froobing.
    Thanx for flurballilng not watching anti-atheism movies.
    And for the disastrous Eisenhower & Regan records frubal.
    And for floorbing not wasting opportunities created by a crisis.
    And for the some thoughts about Covid 19 froobe.
    And for furbling the DNC conspiracy to unleash Covid 19.
    And for the problem of atheists who are human fruulbe.
    Thanx for the being an algorithm on RF froobyl.
    And for foorballing Iran's compelling need for self defense weapons.
    And for the several global anti-maskers frubers.
    And for flurbing Eurostanians' 2 meter rule.
    And for the never fully rational humans froobal.
    And for froulbing the smell coming from the staff lounge.
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