those nations of war in Africa are Muslim nations too. if you knew what's going on in here and what kind of stuff IS proven you'd be shock. if you knew what Western are trying to do in my nation and how our government simply taking orders even though public does not approve. this is amazing. everything is spoken out loud. seems like cruel do not have honor either.
ahhh...ahhh...hahaha no worries. when i say Western has started war on ıslam, i do not mean Western publics. i only mean governments and secret agencies. i do not even mean Western soldiers who kill Muslims. they might not know, soldiers has to follow order like a robot. but people who's in power, they do know it very well. you should not expect Western media to be honest, they are aware they can not go on if they disturb conscience of their people. that's why 9/11 happened.
so, Macedonia is not Muslim?
Kosovo is not Muslim?
Ossetia is not Muslims?
enlighten me, sudden lightning