Thanx for the I'm contributing fruballing.
And for phurlbing hens moving things.
And for the "social capitalism" froobism.
And for foolbring empiricism in economics.
And for the evolving definition of "socialism" frubism.
And for flurbing being pleasant, agreeable, female & gay.
Thanx for the wake me up tune froob.
And for the best frubal (IMO) I've yet seen.
And for the Psycho theme for piano & knives phroubal.
And for foolbring Aliens.
And for the acronym vs initialism froobism.
And for furbolling the cop shooting gender disparity.
And for the floating past frouble.
Brilliant. I was wondering how you'd come back on that set of challenges. No way I could do as well without at least another beer, and then I wouldn't have cared.
Thanx for flurballing wrong headed posters arriving for you to treat them like cat toys.
And for the Mr Brain v eye exams frube.
And for fruulbing unstoppable haggis.
And for the definition of "evil" froobil.
And for foolbring the Candide videos.
And for the bursing haggeriffic goodness frubness.
And for phurlbing the difficulty of reading people & communicating.