Ugh! it is horrifying, almost as horrifying as trying to explain it to someone who has never had it happen, you know the look. I haven't experienced it in a long time, but when it was happening 3 or 4 times a week I kind of stopped sleeping. I did get a little control over it by making sure I slept on my right side and if it still happened I tried not to whig out and just focused on moving a finger at a time.
I wonder what I posted on rss
oh, and here is an important article for anyone visiting Cork, perhaps I will start posting like this
Irish Social Networking - Irish people network worldwide where users share photos, add profiles, join groups, write blogs, make friends and interact
lulz I forgot to put in the article btw1 I also find it shocking when you have your serious hat on post wise btw2 I am going to my bed (see irishism my bed and not just bed)
Have you read anything on sleep paralysis? It is interesting enough, you are paralysed while in rem sleep cycles to stop you acting out your dreams.