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  • I have the day off today but I may have to work my notice :( but I am a little bit giddy at the prospect of never having to go there again, even if my boss is lovely !

    Your posts are amazingly fantastic and fantastically amazing ( do you see the evidence of my bliss )

    I don't know what this is てんがよい!!!!! it is all boxes to me
    I think the trick is not to care if your boring people, it is the secret to a happy life, for you any way.....and other people pfft who's to say they are even real ? It's all about watashi :D
    oh dear there is a big line of red on your page , how did that get there? Anywho in response to your frubals YouTube - Lily Allen - Not Fair
    lols my brothers name is Christopher he goes by Christ though he is one of the Angry Athiests grrr , So you bore christ , well I guess he was but a man :)
    I amn't called Dymphna :no: :p aula we can have a rumplestilkskin ting tings thing with your name then when I am sick of it I will ask sunstone :D is it Cuthbert ?
    "Good night J'. Talk to you tomorrow!"

    "Good night, darling"

    THAT is how a conversation is supposed to go!
    Soooooooo tired!

    Going to bed.

    Canada's Wonderland tomorrow.

    Expect more pics!

    Good night, darling. <3
    Yeah, I giggled my *** off as soon as I got into the room.

    Ok, headed out to eat. Be back in a little bit.
    Ok, back from the pool, ugly fat hicks staring at my chestal region going "Huh, I uh, I like your tattoos, heh heh". Ick.
    Ok, made up my mind. I'm going swimming.

    I'll be back later. <3

    Tried to take a pic for you in my bikini, but couldn't get a good one, so you'll have to do without :D
    I have arrived, safe and sound :D

    And what's the first thing I do?

    Jump on RF to fricken message you. How ridiculous am I?
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