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  • I'm not repulsed by physical beauty, it just isn't my primary motivator. I knew you would find him pretty :p He was in the Channel 4 show misfits when he was even younger, but I didn't notice how pretty he was till this show, must be the soul patch :shrug:

    She wanted to give me a password and a key, I was there for about 10 minutes, someone had shown her how to issue a password, but she had forgotten, so I had to issue it myself, she already told me her admin password, so it was no problem. I start proper on Sunday, but she still hasn't formerly offered me a job. I am crossing fingers and toes that I get a place on the course next friday, she is a fruit loop.

    'sup, you at the grindstone?
    He's going as a gimp...duh!

    I knew what you meant. It's a pity the show is unlikely to hit your side of the ocean, it's pretty good, oh wait, wrong ocean :O I also think the very, very young guy in the show is a cutie...for a second there I forgot who I was typing at, no one appreciates a manpretty youngster more than my good friend nepenthe!


    I have to go talk to that mad woman who wants me to work for her again tonight, god knows how long she will keep me. It's like being kidnapped voluntarily :(
    Ok Halloween was an important element of that message, but it is funny that it occurred to me afterwards.
    you will never guess what I'm doing.......I'm making a gimp mask for my bro, true story. I might post a pic of it when I'm finished,:eek: reminds me of when he was 6 and I made him a 3 muskateers costume for school. Won first prize, I don't know what he will get with this one though, an sti is my guess. :help: I guess the devil does make work for idol hands! (this week I'm all about the aphorisms) :yes:

    This looks like it might be a laugh :D YouTube - BURKE AND HARE TRAILER

    Did you know you're girl crush is in a tv show here, it's like an Irish version of The Wire. YouTube - Love / Hate EP2 - Sneak Peek! if you blink you might miss her.
    I can't wait :) They say misery loves company, and as far as I can tell it's true. I am thinking about stringing this job out until the 29th, when I will hear about the course, that's horribly devious isn't it :eek:. I am gearing up to the third prong btw, just in case you thought I forgot, or couldn't count or something :devil:
    Well as I expected I did brilliantly in the interview for the job I don't want and ****tily in the interview for the job I did want and have been offered the first and told to **** off in the second, when life gives me lemons I make chose to make an eyewash :yes: I am so off my truck not working I think I am going to make the dumbest in a list of dumb work decisions and take the job offered by the crazy woman. I have a 3rd interview with her on Friday.
    It is very circular, if I didn't have a troll to passive aggressively bat around I would be more bored than I am. It is tiresome though. That is just like my book shelf :eek: did I leave m'web cam on again? I'm reading Philoctetes by Sophocles now, not sure what it says about me that I was happy to share that I read a kids book, but am embarrassed to admit to ancient literature :O

    See this picture? That's your bedroom that is :p

    Absolutely! I don't know about America, but here in the UK it's only been available uncensored for the past decade. Pretty impressive considering it was made in the 70's. It was actually the eyeball scene that got it banned here for so long, us Brits are pretty squeemish about eye gouging it seems.
    I liked the beyond too. Zombie Flesh Eaters was the better film IMO, but you just have to love the tarantulas.
    Is it ridiculous, or what?? Why do all the crazies always find ME? I'm not here for a week, and I come back to find that.

    And for the record, I do love the studying, there's just SO MUCH of it!
    Midterms Suuuuuuck! I feel like I've been studying for a week straight. I think my head may explode.
    We don't have that many kids in the area, and candy is generally frowned apon so I have to hollow out apples and stuff orange skins and replace the raisins in boxes or raisins with chocolate covered coffee beans in order to sneak them pass the yuppified parents. Thankfullly, we don't have a system of x-raying trick or treat candy yet. This year I might put tubes of frosting and a toothbrush so parents think the kids are getting toothpaste and toothbrushes, mwah haw haw haw haw.

    I do have a sweet tooth don't I ?

    This kind of looks like toothpaste, right?

    I was trying to wait for you to post your list but I jes cannae do it captain. I only saw a tale of 2 sisters recently. Good night, or good afternoon or whatevs.
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