Awww... thanks dude! Although we clobber each other up, at the end of the day, we all have to get along and be buddies for the sake of brotherhood and love.
Yes, thanks! I look forward to the democratic changes. I keep dreaming of freedom of speech and press, fair elections, accountability of the government, severe punishment for any one responsible for corruption and torture, improvement of education and scientific research...God willing, we will see all this soon.
I like to play Devil's Advocate; in reality, I could care less of other people's spiritual practices as long as it works for them, even if I cringe. But the Sufi forum seemed dead... let's give these small forums a chance to live.
Thank you, my birthday finds everyone at home today. We just got 10 inches of snow and now the sky is clear, blue and bright. Thanks again and my best to you and yours.