I didn't mean to say they denied Angels altogether, I think their idea of them is very warped, and in a way reductionist. What I believe is that Deuteronomy originally stated that the "Sons of god", not the "Sons of Israel', were appointed for all the nations. This was changed later due to the panic about "Monotheism", steering away from Israel's "Henotheistic" roots, and the fact that the meaning of the word "god" got distorted. I believe there are evil "gods", which are called "fallen angels" (angels are called gods in Psalms indisputably) which lead the gentiles who invoke them through idolatry and are responsible for the magic and witchcraft effects which the "occult" is known for. Thus, when the Father punishes the nations, he would also punish the "heavenly beings" (angels) who were leading them into demonic occultism, even if it was the gentile's fault for worshiping them.