Post 93 from franks homelessness thread:
"Listen, I've been incapable of doing much of anything since I was in the 8th grade. I would go weeks without showing up to school. Then I was thrown out of three high schools for not showing up and for not doing any work.
I have done some volunteer work in the past but my record with that was spotty at best. I just stopped showing up eventually. The only paying job I've had lasted for about 3 months, but I think it was less than that.
My mother literally takes care of me. She works and does pretty much everything around the apartment because I'm not able to, apparently.
So your advice is not helpful to me."
The advice that was not helpful was to start by volunteering. You can earn your own infractions, oh most cunning. But if you're feeling tired I will write the response for you.
PS I had to cut a bunch because pm will only do 1000 characters. Read it all before you go for the prize.