Thanx for fruballing your knowing who you are!
And for furballing alerting 'mud!
And for the frubal for those going unmentioned!
And for froobing the anti-alcoholism gene!
And for the wise frubyl !
And for the dumb hobby fruby!
And for flurbing the failed Revoltistanian Passion Play production!
And for the wrongful v unlawful furbul !
And for flurbing can openers!
And for furballing alerting 'mud!
And for the frubal for those going unmentioned!
And for froobing the anti-alcoholism gene!
And for the wise frubyl !
And for the dumb hobby fruby!
And for flurbing the failed Revoltistanian Passion Play production!
And for the wrongful v unlawful furbul !
And for flurbing can openers!