I am still not able to relax :banghead3, still having an exam after 2 days!!!!!!!!!!!! (God willing) The last one will be on 14th of this month (thank God that it's of this month )
Thanks for asking
I know I'll be great as soon as I finish the exams.
he he
You're so sweet!! I noticed it was 10,000..So did you.Now Im liking that number shall I mess it up and make it 10,001? 10,000 is such a nice round #..I hate to mess with it!Anyway thanks..Its almost embarrassing.That a LOT of POST! I must "talk a lot"!
Pizza hut ...Thats good too..We had my 13 year olds this last time at Andventure Landing..(thats put-put and and go carts and video games).He's not spoiled though..I make him scrub bath tubs..for his allowance..LOL!!..Good times!
Planet Pizza? I see the baloon..Aww...10 ..TEN is a good age.Even though I think our children(not yours) are SPOILED rotten BRATS.
We NEVER had "resturant " birthday parties that cost 200 just for the party..NOT to mention the presents.
Its just gotten out of control..Anyway..I was saying you looked cute.Very handsome man.Im not trying to flirt I just think ..we ADULTS could use a "hand up" on occasion.
My frubal trigger finger got away from me - I was trying to type "I don't think you're wrong". One day, for kicks, look up songs people - mostly young, idealistic fiscal conservatives who aren't authoritarian social conservatives - have written for Ron Paul on Youtube.