I am sorry you are having such a time with your sister. It is a really weird readjustment though to go from your house to the wildy world and then back again, fighting is almost inevitable. She may need some more time to find her groove agan , or else maybe Australian zombie vampire wallabies have turned her into an bunyip :shrug: I hope it works out for you soon. :hug:
Meanwhile these guys have already found their groove :D (did you see what I did there with the segueway , amn't I a verbal contortionist :D )
http://www.kathleens-graphics.com/Animated%20Gifs/cartoons/dancing%20heros.gifnot a patch on this guy :danana:
Hotel 626 - A SNACK STRONG PRODUCTION have you played this yet ?
Meanwhile these guys have already found their groove :D (did you see what I did there with the segueway , amn't I a verbal contortionist :D )
http://www.kathleens-graphics.com/Animated%20Gifs/cartoons/dancing%20heros.gifnot a patch on this guy :danana:
Hotel 626 - A SNACK STRONG PRODUCTION have you played this yet ?