Thanx for the body autonomy frubomy.
And for fruballing style & dignity.
And for the only white person frooble.
And for furballing Trump's outstanding honesty.
And for the corrected spelling froobing.
And for flurbing RF Syndrome.
And for the reasons behind straw men flurble.
And for froobing mansulking.
And for the ad hominem frubinem.
Thanx for the wise landscaper fruber.
And for froobing commuting critters.
And for the sarcastic v serious sources frubyl.
And for fluirbing Thanxgiving with the in-laws.
And for the therapeutic chocolate flurbal.
And for froobling what happened.
And for the partially quoted post froobyl.
Thanx for the greedie frubie.
And for froobing stolen birthday cakes.
And for the presidential pardon phrubal.
And for fruballing conversation with reprobates.
And for the very progressive phrubal.
And for flurbing blaming Trump.
And for froolbing the questionable legal reasoning behind federal illegality of pot.
And for the tortured but acceptable frubable.
Thanx for froobing questionably informative forms from the IRS.
And for fruballing Thief's beer belly.
And for the low low interest rate frubyl.
And for flurbing differing levels of partisan fear.
And for the paramount policy frubicy.
And for furballing failing to care about political bickering.
And for the smokeless frubel.
And for flurlbing the new Canuckistanian limerick law.