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  • I like your signature with all the religious symbols and the sentiment of "Love for All; Hatred for None." I recognize most of those symbols, but some I don't recognize. Can you please identify those for me? I'll list them in the order they appear in your signature, and hope you can identify for me the ones where I have written "?":
    ? Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism, Islam, Judaism, ? Taoism, ? ?
    These are:
    ? , Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism, Islam ,Judaism, Sikhism, Taoism, Zoroastrianism,?
    These are the religions whose founders were truthful person who received Word of Revelation from G-d.
    The minaret on both sides needs further elaboration represented here (?).
    Thanks for the question.
    Thanks for rating my post as informative.
    Hello, you asked a question and I answered it. Are you really going to ignore the answer just because you didn't like it?
    Thanx for froobling our feckless meddling in Iran & its environs.
    And for the Iran not being Nazi Germany fruby.
    And for flurbing possible positive changes after the pandemic.
    And for the post-pandemic possible positive changes froolbe.
    And for the links instead of a video frubeo.
    And for furballing the safety theater posts.
    And for the expert tribe furball.
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