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  1. icant

    On Evolution & Creation

    Well I know you don't know what if anything existed there which makes it a BIG problem whether I know anything else about it or not. Enjoy
  2. icant

    On Evolution & Creation

    It weighed a lot more than man, and was heavier than the air around it. Enjoy.
  3. icant

    On Evolution & Creation

    If the BBstarted from existence where did that existence come from?
  4. icant

    On Evolution & Creation

    Then where did it come from? Enjoy,
  5. icant

    On Evolution & Creation

    I would think a shortage of a source of the energy that was required to create this universe and everything in it would be a BIG problem. Enjoy,
  6. icant

    On Evolution & Creation

    You have not explained how energy can be created. Can you prove that energy existed 1 billionth of a second after T=0? I can prove that It had to exist at that point as this universe exist now. According to the BBT existence can begin from none-existence. There was non existence at T=0. Blind...
  7. icant

    On Evolution & Creation

    So is a carpenter or surgeon or any other doctor and even with the proper tools they can still mess up. No the clock did not start at zero. The clock did not start until there was a concept of time about 5,000 years ago. but the earliest clocks were kinda hard to tell what time it was as they...
  8. icant

    On Evolution & Creation

    You can't change a fact. You might hijack it and try to change to what you want it to be. But first you got to falsify it. No. I just know that you can take numbers and make them say anything you want them to say as they are just numbers. Enjoy.
  9. icant

    On Evolution & Creation

    Who said anything about a theory of vaccines? He had an assumption I can call a theory that if you insert dead polio viruses into live humans that they would never get the live virus. What if had said this will not work and went on his way to something else? But he did experiment after...
  10. icant

    On Evolution & Creation

    Hi ratiocinator, Existence has been around since before the first man existed on earth. There was all kinds of things and events taking place with no way to figure out anything but to sleep, wake up work, darkness comes go back to sleep, because he had been so busy during the day trying to...
  11. icant

    On Evolution & Creation

    Actually, that is a fact they can't refute yet. Are you saying that Jonas Salk who was one of the leading scientists of the twentieth century and the creator of the first polio vaccine. Which I thought was one of the most important things anyone could do for the welfare of mankind. But you...
  12. icant

    On Evolution & Creation

    Things exist, events happen in that existence, whether an observer is there or not. Time was invented by mankind to measure the duration between events in that existence. Enjoy,
  13. icant

    On Evolution & Creation

    I understand completely that a singularity is a place where the theory breaks down at T=0 and the math has nothing to explain what is happening there. I understand completely that to go any further than General Relativity breaks down there has to be a new Theory. I also understand that some say...
  14. icant

    On Evolution & Creation

    I think you were talking about me for one. But I for one do not think scientists are stupid. Some are the most brilliant people alive and those who have gone. But brilliant people can do, think and believe some of the wildest things. I know and have friends that have PHD's, and they can pull...
  15. icant


    icant said: Hi Apple, I don't remember saying that the BBT was an assumption, I did say: "As I stated there is nothing but an assumption to support the BBT. (Support=Evidence) Ok let me see what I can do with that. # 1. There is evidence that the universe is expanding. a. The...
  16. icant

    On Evolution & Creation

    Does science have any evidence that there was existence before T=0 or 1 billionth of a second latter? I know there have been all kinds of things talked about, and proposed to have happened but where is the evidence? The can't prove anything because they don't have the evidence. Do you mean...
  17. icant

    On Evolution & Creation

    It does not matter what is presently understood about what is called today. It only matters what the singularity at T=0 means as there was no before T=0 although scientists have propose several things trying to prove there was. Like other universes that collapsed and then exploded and built a...
  18. icant

    On Evolution & Creation

    Hi Altfish, I do not read Answers in Genesis or quote anything they print as they are a bunch of religious fanatics after a buck. They totally messed up Creation by several trillion or more years by jamming two different events together and making one out of them. They have done more to harm...
  19. icant

    On Evolution & Creation

    Well blow my socks off, I have always been told the universe began to exist at the BB and continued until today., and the BB Theory covers the happening's pretty well. You mean because clocks run differently at different distances from the force of gravity that affects them.
  20. icant

    On Evolution & Creation

    Has one ever exploded and built a universe? But gravity did not exist at T=0. It requires mass and there was no mass there. Isn't that what I said the math don't work. So actually, it is only a mathematical hiccup and not a real entity that could produce anything. I know there was existence...