Hi wellwisher,
A stepping stone is something that lifts you to the next level. But for the last 60 years the BBT has been nothing but a dead end in a box canyon. Everybody is trying to tunnel through miles of rock with a fork and spoon and getting nowhere.
I have been told by a couple of Physicists that the BBT needs to be put in the trash can and a new theory of everything take its place. But they are in the minority.
That has to do with the bureaucracy of science. Pure Science, like Physics, is not self sufficient with resources, like industry that uses applied science to make free market products; develop GPS tools. Physics type experiments; particle and cosmology, need an infusion of Government resources, since these need expensive tools and there is no direct economic gain in finding a new galaxy or quark. Nevertheless , it is good for the advancement of science.
That being said, Government has the money and therefore has the final say. BB is something the bureaucrats of Government can understand based on decades of exposure. The new and improved, makes them feel insecure, since bureaucrats also have to worry about career ambitions and potential blunders. They deal in lots of money and want to retire as high up as possible.
Also there is Big Boy table of Scientists, who have the most insider access and funnel funding, downward. If we did change directions, the fear is new people may come to the big table, and some may even muscle for the head of the table; politics of science. There is too much self benefit in the status quo and too much risk in the new and untested, that few want change. While such preliminary change will need resources, but not enough will not be forthcoming, to help protect the table. These humans inhibitions allow obsolete theory to linger beyond expiration date. The statistical model of life is another. That should have gone the way of the dodo bird in the 1950's.
My approach is to look at the conceptual framework. This does not need resources. This is done in your head with known observation and logic and inference. For example, I have shown how you can infer the universal red shift and the CBM; cosmic microwave background radiation, with only 2nd law or entropy considerations. Motion is a subset. This conceptual assumption can interface a before t=0 model, I developed; space-time and separated space and time. Separated space and time implies infinite entropy and the 2nd law is infinite entropy impacting space-time.
Several decades before, I intuitively developed what I called the MDT theory, which is very useful for interfacing separated space and time; foe t=0, with after t=0; space-time. Back then, I could not fully explain how and why the model worked. That original model predicts 6 possible t=0 or six universe creation scenarios, many of which are now considered alternate theories. The BB is one of those six predictions. I dis bootlick the BB scenario, since that is most popular and departure is a religious taboo. It can also be adapted to the predictions of the other five scenarios.
MDT stood for mass, distance and time potential; three separated variables than can blend. The space-time and separated space and time model, deals with distance and time potential; D and T. Mass potential, which was left to be unraveled, appears to deal with tethered space-time, since mass and GR or General Relativity, is what define specific space-time references. Mass potential is connected to space-time and GR. While the full MDT model is the interaction of space-time and independent space and time; macro and quantum. The model has so many prediction that fall out of the inspired diagram, both this was before I could explain the model; I had the answer before the solution. It has been on the back burner for years and the separated space and time, proven by Heisenberg's experiments, allows the MDT model to make full sense.
I do not have a copy of the unique diagrams. They were lost due to the original Physics Forums stopping broadcast, then I had a hard drive crash and finally my old iMac no was longer operative. They were diagrams of ancient alien dials, where you can tune in any state, and every parameter lines up. However, I had the foresight and the original diagrams were sent to the Copyright Office in Washington in 2007. I finally know how it all works, thanks to discussions we have had in these forums. Ironically, I was inspired to develop the needed physics on a Religious forum. I should commission the Copyright Office send me a copy. I believe I had them on CD-disk in PhotoShop format in my original editable layered files.
Two of the diagrams are connected to the electron and proton, respectively. These diagrams show every possible state, of each, as a combination of the three variables; MDT, with the different weight ratios of the three parameters, a different state; application in nature. If you wish to know how they behave in the center of a star and on the surface of the earth, for life; MDT ratios.