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  1. 0zyzzyz0

    What is the best argument for an atheist?

    bhaktajan, I'm not trying to be rude or to offend you in my response here. Please take my dissention as just that - a dissenting opinion based on a different perspective. I think I see where you tried to go with your response, but I can't see that you were in any way successful. It seems...
  2. 0zyzzyz0

    Evidence for God's nonexistence

    It seems that if "God" is defined as anything other than what we can within the bounds of logical necessity consider to be real and existent, then that God, as defined, cannot be existent in any real sense. He can only exist then in an imagined sense, and be as unreal as any other conceived...
  3. 0zyzzyz0

    What is the best argument for an atheist?

    I'll add to my earlier post that one of the best ways to disarm a theist in "the debate" is to get them to commit to some definition of what they accept God (capitalized) to be. It is possible to allow that some conception of a god may be theoretically or conditionally possible. [A god as some...
  4. 0zyzzyz0

    What is the best argument for an atheist?

    Orias, how do I transfer quotes in blocks in order to respond as you've responded to me? My apologies, but here goes old school from a fossil: Orias: "Is thought a quality?" Hmmm? I'll offer that "thought" is abstraction contained contextually and built on a structure of componding and...
  5. 0zyzzyz0

    Funny thought

    Sure. You can take Horny for a walk some time. You have to remember though that you have an ethical responsibility to stoop and scoop. Be careful about it though. Horny can't seem to resist poking at upturned, unsuspecting backsides. I suspect I know what your master plan is! Get seen...
  6. 0zyzzyz0

    Funny thought

    It's so nice that we're not slipping into cynical territory here. %) Soooo... It seems we're of a common suspicion that if left unchecked the natural order would be the proverbial law of the jungle. No wonder primitive peoples invented imaginary arbiters of justice and claimed moral authority...
  7. 0zyzzyz0

    Funny thought

    Isn't that what the libertarians want?
  8. 0zyzzyz0

    NEED of GURU

    If by guru we refer to a guide to some mystical understanding of reality or how to live, then, "NO!" No such guide is needed. Any claiming such "enlightenment" can only succeed in misguiding any they might vainly consider themselves worthy of guiding. What can we do but live and try to gain...
  9. 0zyzzyz0

    Listing many of my beliefs and disbeliefs.

    Nice! I believe it would be most excellent if some become inspired by your example and go on to consider and codify their own beliefs and disbeliefs. I think I owe it to myself to attempt doing what you've done here. I expect such a close self examination wasn't an easy thing to do. Was it...
  10. 0zyzzyz0

    What is the best argument for an atheist?

    At the risk of repeating what others have stated in earlier posts (I'll browse through and read some later.) I present here my two bits worth: The propsition of an existent god must, in order to be considered reasonable, be supported validly by some genuine evidence. Any considered evidence must...
  11. 0zyzzyz0

    Evidence for God's nonexistence

    I admit to the the premise that George Burns did a really fine job of portraying a character called God in Oh God. He did a fine job of proving to the character portrayed by John Denver that he (God) actually existed. What we need to understand here is that the movies are make believe. Ther...
  12. 0zyzzyz0

    The scientific god model

    I realize this thread is fairly old, but for anyone interested in persuing this line of thought some more I recommend reading Victor Stenger's God: The Failed Hypothesis. I recomment it even though I didn't find it to be one of those great reads I can enthusiastically recommend. It is worth...
  13. 0zyzzyz0

    God's Attributes

    My pardon first, in this, my first posting on this site. Mr Kigour Trout [I luv the monicker choice, btw) "was wondering if theists could list a few of god's primary attributes/functions." I must offer the disclaimer that I am not a theist. Do understand my comments then contextually as coming...