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Search results

  1. D

    Is Altruism Darwinistic?

    If 'sharing' promotes 'group survival', can you explain why 2011 Society has 'Hoarding of Meat for Oneself' as the Highest & Best Objective? (Read - Billionaire...) Satish
  2. D

    PoE vs. Evolution - creationist's dilemma

    Get a grip Tumble! That is Exactly what I said. Problem of Evil DEPENDS ENTIRELY on Point of View! As I said before, for the Plasmodium it is the Immune system of the Human Body that is trying to neutralize what it wants/ get in the way / ...its Humble Need to Eat & Live! The Th1 Immune...
  3. D

    PoE vs. Evolution - creationist's dilemma

    Its NOT PoE...it is PoV....Point of View! POV of Human... or POV of Plasmodium, for whom Immune System is PoE! "If" "God" "Created" "Everything", (and in his image) will he/she/plasmodium be PARTIAL to ANOTHER CHILD? The Trick is to LET GO of All Concepts Circulating in the...
  4. D

    Is Altruism Darwinistic?

    Please go ahead... & make ME Altruistic... & my Neighbor Too! Satish PS: I think it is my Neighbor who needs a lesson or two in Altruism and not Me really, such a fine fella!
  5. D

    Is Altruism Darwinistic?

    Is Altruism Darwinistic? Biological Altruism Biological Altruism (Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy) The Hon'able Professor D, has kindly agreed to express his views on the topic this weekend, at Stanford Main Hall. Tickets $ 499.99 only. Limited Seats! Rush to get Your...
  6. D

    2 'Things' which will OVERTURN TODAY'S World!

    2 'Things' which will OVERTURN TODAY'S World! When it becomes COMMON KNOWLEDGE... ..as Common as ....Bosons... ..as Common as ....Leptons... ..as Common as ....Newtons... ..as Common as a falling apple!... THAT 1. There IS Life ...after....Death. 2. Whatever...
  7. D

    There will Always be COLLATERAL DAMAGE!

    There will Always be COLLATERAL DAMAGE! Man! I believe in Survival.. ....MINE!... ...& may be a few appendages, Attached To Me! Hence, ..I learnt Karate...to defend myself; then Kung-Fu; then Swordsmanship.... ..I learnt to Shoot Straight with Steady Hands & Focussed Mind...
  8. D

    Humanity's Aspirations & ITS ADAMANT Refusal to PROVIDE ..it!

    Humanity's Aspirations & ITS ADAMANT Refusal to PROVIDE ..it! The 'ONLY'... Humanity's or Human's Aspiration I can THINK OF.. ....is Eternal Peace & Happiness! As far as I know, THAT is what a Young Bride WANTS! ...clad in white over-flowing silken... ...on the...
  9. D

    Sexuality - ReDefined...

    Sexuality - ReDefined... Sex & Violence.. ANYTHING ELSE...in Movies..Today...? ..which can Otherwise make ..a Few Millions...to a Few Billions...? (Hitchcock..says..arising from the Grave....What about Horror...! I DID make a Few Cents!) Oh! Man!.... ...Man...( how...
  10. D

    ONLY 2 Heroes on Earth - The King & The Saint

    ONLY 2 Heroes on Earth - The King & The Saint I think, Everybody, falls within This Bell Graph.. ..the King...at the Right Extreme.. ..the Saint ..at the Left Extreme... OR rather ..the Saint ..at the Left Extreme... ..the King...at the Right Extreme.. ..depends on whether you are...
  11. D

    Chaos vs Order : Is it ...one or the other or both?...

    Chaos vs Order : Is it ...one or the other or both?... Wherever I turn my eyes, ..there is Chaos ..there is Order Or rather …I see Chaos …I see Order ..even if I turn my eyes...Inward! What COULD be the Core Property of the Universe? ...could it be an...
  12. D

    Is Man becoming God?

    Is Man becoming God? God..the Great Illusionist! Why? ..because he Creates the Illusion that he is in fact IS, ..when in Truth it is a She! ...or some say it is IT...yes! that IS IT! ...the Illusion... If only I could get a Picture! ..nothing BEATS...
  13. D

    Theism and Atheism - In a NutShell

    If that is so, and you are 'not' a Nut living in Shells,.. what the heck do you do....? I am of the Ellen..kind...I go after Gwelyn.......What a Shell! in My Fibre-Glass Mercedes....What a Shell! after I close my CEO Office at ....Burmah-Shell! As I near my parking lot on the Terrace...
  14. D

    Theism and Atheism - In a NutShell

    Theism and Atheism - In a NutShell What is the Commonality in Theists and Atheists? It is Atoms! What is the Commonality in Theism and Atheism? It is The..ism! It is ..ism...that is the Common factor AS WELL AS the thing that makes Whale of a Difference! It is the Unanimous Opinion...
  15. D

    What is Iron?

    Will I be forsaken...at Lunch? Satish
  16. D

    What is Iron?

    Abundance of Bacon means.. Your Front Hall..is Stocked with Bacon.. ..From Wall to Wall ..from Roof To Floor... & You have a Little Passage to Get to Your Study Room.. ...which is Stocked with Bacon... ..From Wall to Wall ..from Roof To Floor... & You have a...
  17. D

    What is Iron?

    Oh! Man! You are being Catty! If Steel can handle Schrodinger's cat or Steel IS REQUIRED to HANDLE Schrodinger's cat, CAN YOU EXPLAIN HOW Titanium Cat can Handle Itself? Satish
  18. D

    What is Iron?

    That I Know! But what about the Titanium Cat? The Zebra, Satish
  19. D

    What is Iron?

    The Schrödinger equation! Oh Man! I ..LOVE...Schrödinger.....! Why?.. Coz..my Bosom Friend...PH recommends it..coz..he don't know enough QM! I LOVE..FRIENDS...& I ..BELIEVE..in..FRIENDS...No Questions..ASKED! Isn't that WHAT LOVE ..is ...ALL About....? Isn't that WHAT FRIENDS...
  20. D

    What is Iron?

    Sorry! Gills CAN'T EXTRACT O or O2 from H2O! (So says my Hydrogen..Helium..Balloonists... ...who came around...saying ..belling..Dinging...Balloons...for ..Children...) ...Gills...CAN...Extract O2 from.....ONLY......Dissolved O2..! ..WE..THE FISH...can GUARANTEE...to that...