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  1. E

    Why did God create anything if he knew in advance what would happen?

  2. E

    God created the sun on both the 1st day and the 4th day! ???

    I bet most Bible readers never caught that! How can one truly believe if you can't even get past Genesis. Very disgusting, actually. And the first PAGE of Genesis, at that. Read it and see for yourself. Also, it starts out with the Earth being here before anything, which would go against any...
  3. E

    How can people "love" someone they can't completely know/interact with?

    Religious people will sometimes say that they love God or love Jesus or love the Lord. Really? Exactly who or what are they loving? Can you truly love a spirit? And what does that word love mean exactly? How far do you take it? With humanly love, a person could say that if they really love their...
  4. E

    We die because of Adam and Eve?: How crazy!

    Why didn't God give each and every one of us the same test? I would have obeyed God, from a simple logic standpoint: Since he was the one who created us, it would be wise to obey him. Nobody back then when they wrote the Bible ever thought, with this Adam and Eve 'story', and the reason for...
  5. E

    Why did prehistoric man get gyped out of..........

    [/SIZE] Well,, if so, I did not know it. Since I did not know it, I personally was not racist(as in my heart) in using it.   Well, why wasn't it allowed to exist, since we know that the things I listed are stuff that people of all times, if they had these things, would not want to...
  6. E

    Why did prehistoric man get gyped out of..........

    Well, we can start with Adam. SUDDENLY death and strife existed,when it didn't before - all in one generation - if you believe in Genesis. Who are some of these benign and compassionate gods?
  7. E

    Why did prehistoric man get gyped out of..........

    Well, that is still onpoint as to what I am talking about. They say God never changes. Yet, our life expectancy has changed based on the gifts bestowed upon us(the source is debatable) such as; more knowledge as to what keeps uss healthy - and cures for diseases that they were not privy to back...
  8. E

    Can you tell the difference between an atheist good person and a Christian?

    I deal with a lot of people. I can't tell one person from another. If the objective is to be this Christian, who God chooses to be with him in heaven, and I cannot tell who is who, based on anything that person does or how they act in life..................
  9. E

    If a person's spirit goes to be with the Lord......

    ...then what is it exactly that is going? What IS a person anyway? Your personality? And what is THAT exactly? I am trying to think of my deeply religious aunt who died. She put all her trust in the Lord. But what IS that spirit of hers exactly, if I cannot see her or hear her talk, and she is...
  10. E

    Why did prehistoric man get gyped out of..........

    I can't wait. I love both sides of any debate. I consider mysefl agnostic, and have waivered on both sides of the fence, for the last 43 years. That is why I welcome both fundies and atheists alike.
  11. E

    Why did prehistoric man get gyped out of..........

    Are you so sure about your last sentence? How can you know? Think of all the stuff they did have and were able to do, way back when. I am not so much talking about the time when we were maybe like apes. But fast forward to a time where there were more people on the Earth - and the...
  12. E

    Why did prehistoric man get gyped out of..........

    Of course. When I was younger and went to church with my parents, and did not start thinking yet. But that is not being really honest either. I had good fortune befall me on more than one occasion ,where I never was sure if it was luck, or God's intervention. I would say God's interventing if...
  13. E

    Why did prehistoric man get gyped out of..........

    Let me ask you this: Would you like to go back to living to only survive - foraging for food and building shelter all day, carvign spears and making arrfowheads tokeepwil animals at bay? -only to die at age 45 from the flu? As oppposed to drivng in your nice SUV to a waterpark and going out...
  14. E

    Why did prehistoric man get gyped out of..........

    ...medical knowledge, cars, computers, cell phones, cameras, photography/movies, radios/albums, jets, rifles...an endless list? Don't all these things also lend credence to an evolutionary theory about how everything grows in time, including things learned, things discovered, etc.?, rather...
  15. E

    The End is near...or is it?

    Is the end near? Ask me on 12 -22- 2012. :facepalm:
  16. E

    If a 20-ton tree fell on Adam before he sinned, would he have died?

    Okay then. What if Adam came to a cliff and jumped off? You mean to tell me that some force would have been at work in Eden where say Adam was walking along at night, and he went off a cliff, that that could not happen because there could be no accidents? Seriously. Why not? Exactly what...
  17. E

    If God never changes, then why is the Old Testament God different than the New Testament Jesus?

    Would Jesus have turned some woman into a pillar of salt? Sent a flood? Killed first born sons of the Egyptians? Honored laws found in the Book of Deuteronomy? It is like two different Gods existed during two different time periods. Yet, like I said, it says (somewhere) in the Bible that God...
  18. E

    If a 20-ton tree fell on Adam before he sinned, would he have died?

    Wasn't:grill: it due to man's sin that God sentenced man to die? I have wrestled with the thoughts about why then that monkey's die, fish die, birds die, grass dies, etc. And I am confused as to the real truth as to why man dies. I can't imagine some huge tree falling on Adam's head, and the...