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  1. N

    Atheism: A belief?

    I'm agreeing with you completely lol. I'm just saying that there's probably a few who does not for whatever reason ;). It would be highly unlikely. I once saw a Dr phil show where there was a black man on there who was racist TOWARDS BLACK MEN!! no joke. so obviously there's always someone out...
  2. N

    Atheism: A belief?

    such as?
  3. N

    Atheism: A belief?

    For sure. It would be very unusual. Mainly because atheism is based on logic and reasoning, and so is evolution.
  4. N

    Atheism: A belief?

    I've been looking for a forum like this for a long time haha. Whenever religion or such are discussed at other forums i post at, people always get ****** off at me. It's like religion is off limits.
  5. N

    Are you looking forward to death?

    But if all your existences exist simultaneously, wouldn't that mean that they eventually all die out? Or what? Also where do you get those beliefs from?
  6. N

    Are you looking forward to death?

    If anything at all ;)
  7. N

    Are you looking forward to death?

    Yeah I don't understand what you mean. Do you mean you've had previous lives and then have been reincarnated each time or? Could you simplify it so it's easier to understand?
  8. N

    Are you looking forward to death?

    The bible claims to know though. So you believe in the things that is written in the bible, but you acknowledge that it might not be true? or what?
  9. N

    Atheism: A belief?

    I always find it funny when people ask atheist WHY they are angry at God. That just doesn't make sense lol. They do not believe in God, so how can they be angry at god? ;)
  10. N

    Are you looking forward to death?

    But for a Christian it's not really that unknown is it? You know it'll be the greatest thing there is (heaven)
  11. N

    Why are there no united view on christianity?

    I thought christianity meant you followed the teachings of christ? I know that jesus is mentioned in the Quran, but the book is not based on his teachings. In the the majority of europe, churches accept jesus as gods son. But not jesus as god himself ? right?
  12. N

    Why are there no united view on christianity?

    But what if they do acknowledge christ, but not as god (lord and saviour) but merely as his son. Surely they are still christians then. I don't think my thread is flawed. Because it's a fact that some churches accept homosexuality and some don't. It's a fact that some christians are for...
  13. N

    Are you looking forward to death?

    It's in our instincts to avoid death. If he was on a safari and a wild animal, like a lion or a tiger ran towards him, i'm sure he'd jump in his jeep lol ;). I'm sure pretty much everybody would do that, even if you were suicidal
  14. N

    Why are there no united view on christianity?

    Lol. I don't know.... does it? One, or none of them has to be correct. Both can't be
  15. N

    Why are there no united view on christianity?

    I understand. But lets take jesus as the lord and saviour. Many christians believe this and many believe that if you don't accept that, you will go to hell. Yet many christians does not believe he is the lord and saviour. So who is right? Do all the christians that does not believe he is the...
  16. N

    Why are there no united view on christianity?

    So I got another question. Why are there so many branches of Christianity? Why are there no united view on the bible? And how do you go about finding out what is the right interpretation of the bible? you find christians on both side of the fence on topics like: Abortion, Homosexuality...
  17. N

    Are you looking forward to death?

    WHAT? You haven't been kidnapped? In my mind you haven't truely lived till you've gone through an good ol' kidnapping ;)
  18. N

    Are you looking forward to death?

    But death will be the start of an eternity with god right? I know you can't commit suicide. The bible is against that as well Let's say you were actually captured by some bad people and they told you they would kill you. Would that be an exciting and happy scenario? Or would you still fear...
  19. N

    Atheism: A belief?

    It's really pretty simple. Atheism is the rejection of a belief. It's not like atheist have a book or some rules to what they believe in or not. Atheism is only the lack of belief in a god. There's atheists who does not believe in evolution, there's atheist who do.
  20. N

    Are you looking forward to death?

    First of all, i'm not religious. I've never been religious and i believe when you die, you die, and that's it. You seize to exist. You've been none existing billions of years before you got born. Anyways! i'm not trying to force my views on to anyone. People can believe what they want. My...