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Why are there no united view on christianity?

So I got another question. Why are there so many branches of Christianity? Why are there no united view on the bible? And how do you go about finding out what is the right interpretation of the bible? you find christians on both side of the fence on topics like: Abortion, Homosexuality, Death Penalty, God. If you asked 10 christians about their definition of God, you would probably get 10 different answers. Why is there no united view on these topics?


Aura of atheification
Premium Member
So I got another question. Why are there so many branches of Christianity?

Because people have such personal interpretations of the Christian teachings, both of the valid and invalid varieties.

Why are there no united view on the bible?

Because it is only natural for the views to be varied. People don't have an united view on most subjects, and there is no reason to expect the Bible to be an exception.

And how do you go about finding out what is the right interpretation of the bible?

I believe the classic (and IMO correct) answer comes from the Bible itself: you should judge the teaching by the fruits it bears.

Or to put it in another way, we should always take responsibility for our interpretations, to the extent that we adopt them. Even and perhaps mainly if we don't know for sure if they are correct. That is why faith (correctly defined and understood) is a religious virtue.

you find christians on both side of the fence on topics like: Abortion, Homosexuality, Death Penalty, God. If you asked 10 christians about their definition of God, you would probably get 10 different answers. Why is there no united view on these topics?

God is a special case. It is not a concept meant to have a clear, unified, consensual definition and interpretation. Much of its strength as a concept comes from its refusal to be clear, in fact.

As for the others, it is clearly a matter of how wise a Christian is and which life experiences he had. As is to be expected, in fact. No reason to expect or even want it to be any different.
Because people have such personal interpretations of the Christian teachings, both of the valid and invalid varieties.

Because it is only natural for the views to be varied. People don't have an united view on most subjects, and there is no reason to expect the Bible to be an exception.

I believe the classic (and IMO correct) answer comes from the Bible itself: you should judge the teaching by the fruits it bears.

Or to put it in another way, we should always take responsibility for our interpretations, to the extent that we adopt them. Even and perhaps mainly if we don't know for sure if they are correct. That is why faith (correctly defined and understood) is a religious virtue.

God is a special case. It is not a concept meant to have a clear, unified, consensual definition and interpretation. Much of its strength as a concept comes from its refusal to be clear, in fact.

As for the others, it is clearly a matter of how wise a Christian is and which life experiences he had. As is to be expected, in fact. No reason to expect or even want it to be any different.

I understand. But lets take jesus as the lord and saviour. Many christians believe this and many believe that if you don't accept that, you will go to hell. Yet many christians does not believe he is the lord and saviour. So who is right? Do all the christians that does not believe he is the lord and saviour, go to hell?

Frank Merton

Active Member
Christian sectarianism stems from the idea that God is a jealous God, tolerating no rivals. This spirit (those who don't believe correctly are evil and condemned) penetrates Christianity, and few groups escape it.

Luther needed some way to counter the claims of the RC church to Apostolic Succession as the authority for interpreting scripture. He set upon individual authority -- that we do not need a hierarchy to interpret for us -- that we must interpret on our own.

The problem he did not foresee is that no two people are alike. There are always differences in culture and individual experience, and these lead to different people interpreting the same words in different ways.

All religions have a multiplicity of groups. I think the latest count of "official" Buddhist groups is about forty. However, where many Christians will say, "You are wrong and a heretic and evil," the Buddhist says, "You may be right, but I don't think so."

That Dude

Christian sectarianism stems from the idea that God is a jealous God, tolerating no rivals. This spirit (those who don't believe correctly are evil and condemned) penetrates Christianity, and few groups escape it.

Luther needed some way to counter the claims of the RC church to Apostolic Succession as the authority for interpreting scripture. He set upon individual authority -- that we do not need a hierarchy to interpret for us -- that we must interpret on our own.

The problem he did not foresee is that no two people are alike. There are always differences in culture and individual experience, and these lead to different people interpreting the same words in different ways.

All religions have a multiplicity of groups. I think the latest count of "official" Buddhist groups is about forty. However, where many Christians will say, "You are wrong and a heretic and evil," the Buddhist says, "You may be right, but I don't think so."
This thread is flawed in so much so that it makes Christianity appear to be completely un-unified.
The Protestant churches are unified for the most part. There are minor differences between some of them. But not enough that it replaces the entire ideas written in the bible.
The RCC believes that any church that doesn't deny the church itself is unified.
But both of those follow the bible, and they do it pretty much the way the bible is written.
Because Christianity is a following of Christ (Christ even being in the name itself)
Then I'd say, if a group of individuals don't want to acknowledge Christ then they're not Christian.
Of course, they can call themselves anything they like.
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This thread is flawed in so much so that it makes Christianity appear to be completely un-unified.
The Protestant churches are unified for the most part. There are minor differences between some of them. But not enough that it replaces the entire ideas written in the bible.
The RCC believes that any church that doesn't deny the church itself is unified.
But both of those follow the bible, and they do it pretty much the way the bible is written.
Because Christianity is a following of Christ (Christ even being in the name itself)
Then I'd say, if a group of individuals doesn't want to acknowledge Christ then they're not Christian.
Of course, they can call themselves anything they like.

But what if they do acknowledge christ, but not as god (lord and saviour) but merely as his son. Surely they are still christians then.

I don't think my thread is flawed. Because it's a fact that some churches accept homosexuality and some don't. It's a fact that some christians are for abortions and some are not. These differences does exist

That Dude

But what if they do acknowledge christ, but not as god (lord and saviour) but merely as his son. Surely they are still christians then.
Muslims acknowledge Christ, doesn't mean they're Christian.
I don't think my thread is flawed.
Hate to be the one to tell you you're wrong then.
Because it's a fact that some churches accept homosexuality and some don't. It's a fact that some christians are for abortions and some are not. These differences does exist
They exist but in most cases, whether they accept abortion and homosexuality or not, they still acknowledge that Jesus Christ is our Lord and Savoir.

The difference most non-believers don't recognize is in 'who thinks what is a sin'.
I'm a Christian and I think everyone sins. Doesn't mean I hate everyone.
Bottom line.
What is and isn't classified as a sin is based on politics for some people.
And because homosexuality is such a touchy subject some churches dance around as if the world is thinking homosexuals cant get saved like everyone else.
But what everyone else doesn't understand is that 'everyone' is a sinner and God is an equal opportunity kind of God.
If you're able to explain that then you can hold true to the bible and still believe Jesus is your personal Lord and savoir.
If you cant explain that then you ignore bits and pieces of the bible and still believe Jesus is your personal Lord and savoir.


Well-Known Member
The difference most non-believers don't recognize is in 'who thinks what is a sin'.
I'm a Christian and I think everyone sins. Doesn't mean I hate everyone.
Bottom line.
What is and isn't classified as a sin is based on politics for some people.
And because homosexuality is such a touchy subject some churches dance around as if the world is thinking homosexuals cant get saved like everyone else.
But what everyone else doesn't understand is that 'everyone' is a sinner and God is an equal opportunity kind of God.
If you're able to explain that then you can hold true to the bible and still believe Jesus is your personal Lord and savoir.
If you cant explain that then you ignore bits and pieces of the bible and still believe Jesus is your personal Lord and savoir.

Sounds like a rant. :D

I'm kinda like - you got Holy Spirit, or you do it again - but if you need alla those words, that's cool. :D
Muslims acknowledge Christ, doesn't mean they're Christian.

Hate to be the one to tell you you're wrong then.

They exist but in most cases, whether they accept abortion and homosexuality or not, they still acknowledge that Jesus Christ is our Lord and Savoir.

The difference most non-believers don't recognize is in 'who thinks what is a sin'.
I'm a Christian and I think everyone sins. Doesn't mean I hate everyone.
Bottom line.
What is and isn't classified as a sin is based on politics for some people.
And because homosexuality is such a touchy subject some churches dance around as if the world is thinking homosexuals cant get saved like everyone else.
But what everyone else doesn't understand is that 'everyone' is a sinner and God is an equal opportunity kind of God.
If you're able to explain that then you can hold true to the bible and still believe Jesus is your personal Lord and savoir.
If you cant explain that then you ignore bits and pieces of the bible and still believe Jesus is your personal Lord and savoir.

I thought christianity meant you followed the teachings of christ? I know that jesus is mentioned in the Quran, but the book is not based on his teachings.

In the the majority of europe, churches accept jesus as gods son. But not jesus as god himself ? right?

Frank Merton

Active Member
This thread is flawed in so much so that it makes Christianity appear to be completely un-unified.
Christianity is disunited. Your adjective "completely" only obscures the reality, but has no meaning. Of course it is not "completely" disunited: if it were each Christian would be their own church.

That Dude

I thought christianity meant you followed the teachings of christ? I know that jesus is mentioned in the Quran, but the book is not based on his teachings.
No, Christianity means you acknowledge Jesus is God, or more commonly, the Trinity.
Christianity is the understanding that you need Jesus to get to his father.
The majority of europe the churches accept jesus as gods son. But not jesus as god himself ? right?
Don't know about Europe, not all of it.
I do know that the Nicene Creed acknowledges Jesus as Lord and savoir.
But Protestants don't hold to the creed, only Catholics do.
Most Protestants dont even know about it but they understand that they need Jesus.


Well-Known Member
Christianity is disunited. Your adjective "completely" only obscures the reality, but has no meaning. Of course it is not "completely" disunited: if it were each Christian would be their own church.

Then again, the god that is, is clever enough for 7 billion True Christianities. Question is, are the Christians that clever. ;)

Frank Merton

Active Member
Then again, the god that is, is clever enough for 7 billion True Christianities. Question is, are the Christians that clever. ;)
Maybe my mind is too literal, since your number would include everyone on Earth, and then some. Is that what you mean (most Christians are not so inclusive)?
No, Christianity means you acknowledge Jesus is God, or more commonly, the Trinity.
Christianity is the understanding that you need Jesus to get to his father.

Don't know about Europe, not all of it.
I do know that the Nicene Creed acknowledges Jesus as Lord and savoir.
But Protestants don't hold to the creed, only Catholics do.
Most Protestants dont even know about it but they understand that they need Jesus.

couldnt disagree with you more.
by simply acknowledging Jesus is God then you are saying there was no Jesus, just God. you may call him Jesus but it doesnt mean you ever listened to him. The jews in the new testament thought Jesus was saying that too, and his reply to them all the time was, you neither know me, nor hear me. oh and the bible sure is one big book for just having to say 'Jesus i believe in you'.

the reason that there are so many divisions that come from the bible is because noboby in the end wants to listen to God, just like all the people and nations before us.


That Dude

couldnt disagree with you more.
by simply acknowledging Jesus is God then you are saying there was no Jesus, just God.
Not a fan of the Trinity?
Is this going to be an argument about Tertullian?
you may call him Jesus but it doesnt mean you ever listened to him.
You a Muslim?
The jews in the new testament thought Jesus was saying that too, and his reply to them all the time was, you neither know me, nor hear me. oh and the bible sure is one big book for just having to say 'Jesus i believe in you'.
You mean the "Jews" or the "Apostles" who were Jews?
Sounds Muslim.
the reason that there are so many divisions that come from the bible is because noboby in the end wants to listen to God, just like all the people and nations before us.
