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Search results for query: fairy tails

  1. Sultan Of Swing

    Sanders Pulls Nearly Even With Clinton in New Poll

    I doubt anyone is questioning whether Sanders is a consistent, principled man who strongly believes in equality and improving his country. The trouble is whether any of his ideas can be converted into reality, how could he actually pass laws through Congress, do Democrat congressmen even like...
  2. Midnight Rain

    Sanders Pulls Nearly Even With Clinton in New Poll

    For those that have said that Sanders is the weaker candidate and that they cant' believe his fairy tails here is what I say. First he hasn't changed his position in decades. He has actively fought towards them. He has made real reform in his home state. I assume he will continue to do exactly...
  3. B

    Was Islam spread by the sword?

    Thank you. But with all respect what you showed me are just a fairy tails. please allow me to let you see it. In the quotes above, Muhammad is warlord raiding Palestine for money, yet he spent thirteen years in his home town as warlord, not fighting with anyone. and when he decided to leave...
  4. Bunyip

    Why I Am Not an Anti-Theist

    Well that is a definition I have not seen before. Dictionaries of theological terms tend to define theism as a belief in a personal or interventionist god. Not all conceptions of God are theistic. Those people who limit their definition of theism to revealed religions with creator gods would be...
  5. Augustus

    Why I Am Not an Anti-Theist

    ...anti-theists, including the famous ones, will happily admit to having almost no knowledge of theistic belief systems (I stopped reading fairy tails when I was a kid...) and instead base their views on a stereotype of what they think theism is and a superficial, literalist reading of sacred...
  6. JayJayDee

    Harsh Truth: If Intelligent Design is Untestable . . .

    No actually, that is not what I have said at all. Just because something has adapted to its environment doesn't mean that individual members of the same family were not individually created. Adaptation is small changes to facilitate a changed environment or food source. To say that all these...
  7. W

    Did Jesus actually exist as a historical figure?

    ...be God's SON he has to be SPIRITUAL JUST LIKE GOD HIMSELF IS! Now, we must start to believe the VERY WORD of God and STOP BELIEVING THE FAIRY TAILS taught on Sunday. Jesus did NOT YET appear as a single human being. That is OBSURD. A single human person could NOT atone for the entire sins...
  8. shawn001

    Snowflakes....designed or accidents of nature?

    Wow, again its just amazing "There are no "facts" provided by science that we reject" That just cracks me up, because we are showing you billions of facts provided by science that you personally and JW's reject. Talking about agriculture, you do know what GMO foods are right? You do know...
  9. Bogg

    God - real or imagined?

    ...or she wants to believe. Some say you can't see the wind but it is real! Yes but we can FEEL the wind so we know it exists. You cannot feel God nor see him. Our only evidence is books written hundreds of years ago about events that happened thousands of years ago. Mere fairy tails I...
  10. MD

    Question About the Nigerian School Girls

    No...did you even read what I wrote. I never said the Taliban were pro women, but the Taliban is not as prominent as it was a decade ago. And the Taliban are pashtun mostly, or pro pashtun, with a large influx of Pakistanis and Arabs in their ranks as well. Right now all those Pakistanis and...
  11. esmith

    Question About the Nigerian School Girls

    So, you believe in fairy tails also it seems. What do you assume the policies of the Taliban are toward women? Guess they are for the rights of women and young girls. Guess they aren't the ones that attempted to assassinate the young Pakistanian girl I mentioned earlier. Just who was it...
  12. ImmortalFlame

    Was the New Atheism Movement a Failed Crisis Cult

    If you cannot admit to making a knowingly inaccurate statement about someone, then you are dishonest and not worth debating with. I cannot find the entirety of this quote anywhere. Can you provide a source?
  13. I

    Was the New Atheism Movement a Failed Crisis Cult

    Paraphrasing Dawkins: "some of us give up childish beliefs such as santa claus when we become adults and also give up fanatic and fairy tails of Gods as well and we should all mock those (with content) that still believe in delusional and made up Gods and these people have no place in our...
  14. Sleeppy

    The fallacy of Jesus dying for our sins (By Shabir Ally)

    I'm not of the mindset that the only surviving history of that time period is the Gospels. It was a test; a genuine question. I'm curious. Where are the other testimonies from that time? Either they were destroyed, or lost, which should cast significant doubt on the Gospel's original formation...
  15. Monk Of Reason

    The fallacy of Jesus dying for our sins (By Shabir Ally)

    ...not make it correct. Basic events that were known to be fact perhaps but nothing specifically on the miracles Jesus preformed. If all of german literature was destroyed and all that was left was the Grimm's fairy tails would that make the Grimm's fairy tails the undefied truth of the period?
  16. LegionOnomaMoi

    Was Jesus real?

    ...describes as "Bayes' theorm", don't bother commenting on his expertise unless you don't care about truth. 3) You haven't read the fairy tails Carrier has published in order to get his doctorate. I have. When you've read these and you can explain what he regards as evidence when he actually is...
  17. sojourner

    What church is the true church?

    Really?! You belong to no religious group? Even though archeological and biblical evidence is OVERWHELMING in its indication that "group" is what the Christian faith is all about? Jesus, in renaming Simon "Rocky," said that Peter's faith was what he was going to build his church upon. That...
  18. Domenic

    What church is the true church?

    ...Going to heaven. Man was not designed to go to heaven. Man was created to care for the earth. Gods plan has not changed. religions who teach going to heaven are telling a bold face lie. I could go one, and on...but I will not. Believe what you want. follow the rest who make up fairy tails.
  19. 1robin

    INDISPUTABLE Rational Proof That God Exists (Or Existed)

    No, because it is composed of many things that have wide margins of error that are cumulative. I will say again you are welcome to adjust them, however there is no science that would make the evidence for a finite universe less than extremely more reliable than the evidence if any actually...
  20. 1robin

    Why does my God allow children to die? Is he evil?

    No, I know it. Or at least I know the Bible contains the only framework by which the sanctity of human life, the dignity of man, and the equality of man may be shown to be actually true. That is why the slaves themselves sought God more than any means in the quest for freedom and by the way it...