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  1. rad_ic_ul

    Trinity - Fact or Fiction?

    Hi! Too all. Take a load of this: Figments of the Imagination The Bible identifies Jehovah as the only true God. (Psalm 83:18; John 17:3) The prophet Isaiah recorded God’s own words when he said: “Before me there was no God formed, and after me there continued to be none. I—I am Jehovah...
  2. rad_ic_ul

    Trinity - Fact or Fiction?

    :cool: hello jrnmz! Nice piont. that shows a lot of depth in understanding underlying principle found in god's word which trinitarians eggnore in order to hold on too there doctrine.:cool:
  3. rad_ic_ul

    Trinity - Fact or Fiction?

    Hello! NONE! of the trinitarians can't seem to answer to DreGod07's scrictures. Ahhhhhhh! Guess that means the trinity is fiction not fact.:cool:
  4. rad_ic_ul

    Trinity - Fact or Fiction?

    Hi, dreGod07! Good reasoning once again Dre! Let's see if BIG J is going to be able to answer these scriptures one by one? Can he answer? Is this 'God on earth' doing his won will or is he doing the will of someone else?:cool:
  5. rad_ic_ul

    Trinity - Fact or Fiction?

    That would mean that all people with the name Emmanuel is Jesus. And where in that Bible do you see that prophecy fulfilled literally? :cool:
  6. rad_ic_ul

    Trinity - Fact or Fiction?

    hello Jay Hawes! Theoi (GK), is the word for gods John 10: 34 says theoi, not juges. Jesus wasn't talking about judges when he qouted that text. Ps 82: 6 is translated gods not judges. Or you disagreeing with your own translators? As for Strongs quotation. That never says that Ps 82: 6 should...
  7. rad_ic_ul

    Trinity - Fact or Fiction?

    thats some awesome teaching you have there man. where did you get it i never would have even though of that before! like your logic on that. you no a lot more than you are leting on. don't keep the cat in the bag to long. RADICUL MAN! BE COOL!:cool:
  8. rad_ic_ul

    Trinity - Fact or Fiction?

    I want to see all trinitarians reply to all of DreGod's scriptures. If they can.:cool:
  9. rad_ic_ul

    Trinity - Fact or Fiction?

    thats some awesome teaching you have there man. where did you get it i never would have even though of that before! like your logic on that. you no a lot more than you are leting on. don't keep the cat in the bag to long. RADICUL MAN! BE COOL!:cool:
  10. rad_ic_ul

    LDS, JW, SDA, other?

    katzpur. when you quoted me about the foundation being removed you unknowingly where quoting polaris. i was simply replying to his though and forgott my quote tags. i'm sorry for the misunderstanding and confusion i have created! OK!
  11. rad_ic_ul

    LDS, JW, SDA, other?

    [/FONT][/SIZE][/FONT][/SIZE] respected. :cool:
  12. rad_ic_ul

    LDS, JW, SDA, other?

    yes! feeding at the same table indeed. it's a wonderful thing that others don't experience.
  13. rad_ic_ul

    LDS, JW, SDA, other?

  14. rad_ic_ul

    LDS, JW, SDA, other?

    thank you may!
  15. rad_ic_ul

    LDS, JW, SDA, other?

    i admire you bold, breave words. i takes real courage to tell people the true even when they may get angry and don't wan't to hear it. may jehovah bless you. and your ministry prosper. we have an organisation like no other. remember always that we stood up against hitler when the churches did...
  16. rad_ic_ul

    LDS, JW, SDA, other?

    read this extract and tell me if you agree or disagree. Identifying Marks of Those Having God’s Backing 7 They base their teachings on the Bible. Jesus said: "What I teach is not mine, but belongs to him that sent me. If anyone desires to do His will, he will know concerning the teaching...
  17. rad_ic_ul

    Trinity - Fact or Fiction?

    As concerning therefore the eating of those things that are offered in sacrifice unto idols, we know that an idol is nothing in the world, and that there is none other God but one. For though there be that are called gods, whether in heaven or in earth, (as there be gods many, and lords many...
  18. rad_ic_ul

    Trinity - Fact or Fiction?

    hello to all! only one god? you sure? it is written:"and the lord said unto moses,see,i have made you a god unto pharoah." exodus 7:1 was god trying to make moses sin? or was he encouraging pharoah in polytheism which he already practice. again it is written:" i have said" ye are GODS ; and...
  19. rad_ic_ul

    Trinity - Fact or Fiction?

    hello to all! only one god? you sure? it is written:"and the lord said unto moses,see,i have made you a god unto pharoah." exodus 7:1 was god trying to make moses sin? or was he encouraging pharoah in polytheism which he already practice. again it is written:" i have said" ye are GODS ; and...