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  1. LIIA

    Darwin's Illusion

    I know your argument is.
  2. LIIA

    Darwin's Illusion

    Since forever!!! But its not limited to the Cambrian explosion but in a general sense about the lack of evidence of gradualism in the geological history. Darwin's dilemma: the realities of the Cambrian ‘explosion’ | Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences...
  3. LIIA

    Darwin's Illusion

    Accurate! We have another one in the accusations club! I guess this is all what you guys can do, accusations and empty claims. But no, it doesn’t bother me. I'm only trying to explain a concept for those how will understand. Not you.
  4. LIIA

    Darwin's Illusion

    Yes, it's not. The vestigial claims as explained multiple times are claims out of ignorance, if you don’t know the function, it doesn’t mean there is no function such as the example of the appendix.
  5. LIIA

    Darwin's Illusion

    Seriously? Is that because you say so? Again, Darwin wrote " Why then is not every geological formation and every stratum full of such intermediate links? Geology assuredly does not reveal any such finely graduated organic chain; and this, perhaps, is the most obvious and gravest objection...
  6. LIIA

    Darwin's Illusion

    True but it's also true for aquatic life such as the example of the Cambrian explosion. There is. The ToE predicts that every single life ever existed, came through a slow process of gradual changes through millions of transitional forms. Such prediction requires abundance of evidence in the...
  7. LIIA

    Darwin's Illusion

    You believe in consciousness, consciousness and intelligence are two flips of the same coin. Being conscious is being aware. Awareness is not limited to the process of acquiring info through sense perception but it’s also associated with the ability of utilizing the info in a...
  8. LIIA

    Darwin's Illusion

    The problem happens when we try to force the explanations of what we don’t know to fit within what we do know. Which necessarily leads to a misleading oversimplification. The absolute reality can very well be beyond our knowledge/imagination. The work of the Ancients proves beyond doubt that...
  9. LIIA

    Darwin's Illusion

    With respect to your view on the ToE, you’re not alone, not at all. See the video below. Darwin's Dilemma - YouTube “Natural selection” doesn’t cause any change. mutations are not random. Directed mutations cause very specific changes to allow an organism to better fit its environment. See #...
  10. LIIA

    Darwin's Illusion

    Really? Ok, thanks. Seriously? I intentionally use the same language of paleontologists to avoid nonsensical arguments such as yours. These quotes were repeated multiple times, but it appears that you neither read nor understand. Again, Stephen J Gould said in his book The Panda's Thumb...
  11. LIIA

    Darwin's Illusion

    I didn’t claim to know your emotional state. I know what you wrote. It’s ironic that you deny what I said while continuing your meaningless emotional accusations. Obviously, this is all what you can do. You cannot engage on a rational argument. Thanks anyway.
  12. LIIA

    Darwin's Illusion

    They do. Why you think they don’t, it’s a mystery that was never resolved. The Cambrian explosion is known among scientists as “Darwin's dilemma”. It’s a dilemma that Darwin acknowledged as a problem that defies explanation, simply because it disproves gradualism. As Stephen Jay Gould put it...
  13. LIIA

    Darwin's Illusion

    In my posts #3194 & #3235, I explained how morality as a concept fits in the evolutionary view. If you don’t agree, demonstrate your reasons. Your response with nothing but emotional denial is absurd.
  14. LIIA

    Darwin's Illusion

    First, I said about 3.5 billion years from the alleged LUCA, there was nothing but single-celled microbial life, then the sudden Cambrian explosion of extraordinary complex creatures of virtually every major animal phyla appeared. Do you think it would make a difference to argue that it was 3.4...
  15. LIIA

    Darwin's Illusion

    How many times I repeated that the impact of the ToE on morality has nothing to do with the scientific refutation of the theory? Do you understand English? Really what’s wrong with you guys? Can’t you keep track of a simple argument? Let me remind you. In your post #3171, you claimed...
  16. LIIA

    Darwin's Illusion

    Obviously, you don’t understand the ignorant claims that you are parroting. Aren’t you claiming that the appendix is a vestigial organ? If not, what exactly is your claim? Again, The article below clearly stated “THE IDEA OF THE APPENDIX BEING A VESTIGIAL ORGAN SHOULD THEREFORE BE DISCARDED.”...
  17. LIIA

    Darwin's Illusion

    I would ignore words that imply false meaning that contradicts the facts of the real world. It’s not about fast or slow rate of change; it’s about gradualism/tree of live being nonexistent in the fossil record, neither before nor after periods of stasis. If you focus on semantics/misleading...
  18. LIIA

    Darwin's Illusion

    Empty claims, provide credible statistics if you can. Regardless, I’m not concerned with this type of fourth grader arguments. The point is what is the reference for morality for those who adapt the evolutionary concept other than a relative preference or need as it fits in the struggle for...
  19. LIIA

    Darwin's Illusion

    Really? Is that because you said so? Try to support your nonsense with evidence, if you can. In fact, you are about 80 years out of date “the outdated/disproved modern synthesis”. See # 753 & 781. Darwin's Illusion | Page 40 | Religious Forums
  20. LIIA

    Darwin's Illusion

    If you do understand that it has a function, then what are you fussing about? Didn’t you see the article stating that the coccyx has several important functions? And no, it has nothing to do with moving your tail. here is the link again. Coccydynia: An Overview of the Anatomy, Etiology, and...