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Search results

  1. Laughing Coyote

    If Darwin or the FBI had less than 15% of the data for a case

    One issue with this statement is that the problems which worried Darwin have been largely solved by subsequent work. One example, which was basically solved even in his time, was the question of how mutations might be passed across generations without being watered down. This was already solved...
  2. Laughing Coyote

    If Darwin or the FBI had less than 15% of the data for a case

    Not only are you making false analogies, you are setting up a red herring, as usual. Making "fresh examination" is the very basis of science. There have been probably millions of fresh examinations of every element of Darwin's work, and fresh examinations of these fresh examinations, and so on...
  3. Laughing Coyote

    For Christians. Was the flood real or just a myth?

    It is funny that this same exact discussion went on through the entire late 18th and early 19th centuries voluminously with each consecutive scientific discovery, particularly geological ones, discrediting one claim after another until the argument for deluge was untenable. And then Darwin...
  4. Laughing Coyote

    mother Teresa

    I don't think Jesus promised people happiness, which in my mind is a meaningless word. He provided an ethic, particularly in response to the oppression felt by Jews under the jack boot of the Roman empire. I don't think Mother Teresa necessarily gave happiness either. There are furthermore many...
  5. Laughing Coyote

    atheistic god

    Science can't take a position on something that doesn't provide evidence in "real things," which includes the existence or non-existence of God. As of yet for this same reason it can make no statement about what pre-existed the universe. Furthermore, I don't think a science is in a position to...
  6. Laughing Coyote

    If God is outside of time...

    The mathematician, physicist, philosopher and theologian Alfred North Whitehead developed an entire theology that, among other things, sought to deal with this question in a way aimed at recognizing for both science and religion (which he did not see as separate) the revolutionary consequences...
  7. Laughing Coyote

    If God is outside of time...

    But god's "creation," that is the universe, is time bound, in the form of continual expansion or movement towards greater entropy. It seems thus that although the prayers may be heard by a God that is not time bound, they nevertheless can only be acted upon in a time-bound manner. How the...
  8. Laughing Coyote

    Does a Soldier in War Break the 6th Commandment?

    I don't know about commandment specifically, but Quakers do not kill in war because for them God is in every person and they can't kill a being of God. This led at least one Quaker I knew as a child, though drafted into the First World War, to shoot into the ground rather than opposing troops...
  9. Laughing Coyote

    The gulf between us

    So this proves Grokk-ists have a sense of humor!
  10. Laughing Coyote

    The gulf between us

    And yet it came about through natural selection, so it stands to reason it gave some advantage.
  11. Laughing Coyote

    The gulf between us

    I read that sci fi novel years ago. Which one was that, Heinlein's Stranger in a Strange Land? I'm neither theist nor atheist. I'll say that science has its own unprovable premises which call on presumption of belief. The so-called "laws" of science, for example. Another is assumption that you...
  12. Laughing Coyote

    against intelligent creator?

    I already responded to your two previous points in a posting which will probably now follow this one. Now I respond to the last two points That is one of the examples of the flawed logic that the intelligent design proponents always throw up. Being a person who is literate and living in human...
  13. Laughing Coyote

    against intelligent creator?

    The new questions I referred to were in that the idea of intelligent creator deviates from existing observations, data and theory. During the medieval period rational thought into the question of intelligent creator was in fact highly developed, so much so that the development of rational...
  14. Laughing Coyote

    against intelligent creator?

    Good point, that is loading a lot onto him (or her or both or more). However, we humans call ourselves intelligent -- twice over (sapiens sapiens) -- and that certainly hasn't stopped us from doing all these mass killings, not just of humans but of a major portion of other species on this...
  15. Laughing Coyote

    against intelligent creator?

    If it is "Long Root Ale" that you are talking about, there is a possibility that beer just as well might save the world.
  16. Laughing Coyote

    against intelligent creator?

    The philosopher Alfred North Whitehead basically said the same thing, in that what we know is insignificant in relation what we don't know and it is furthermore contingent upon it. Which implies that what we don't know accounts for everything -- something which is coming home to us in the way...
  17. Laughing Coyote

    against intelligent creator?

    A scientific worldview does not dismiss any possibility. However, an intelligent creator would bring a lot more questions than it would answer, and it furthermore provides no real way to test it. People who assume the existence of intelligent creator must either ignore many kinds of evidence or...
  18. Laughing Coyote

    Atheism refutes itself by definition. (Y)=/=( ), ( )=/=(?)

    But it inserts new gods even if they are not necessarily personified: money, the market, communism. I don't think we can escape theism of some sort, because we always have underlying premises or an ultimate reality that we presuppose. Alfred North Whitehead tried to get around this by proposing...
  19. Laughing Coyote

    Legalize my new religion

    Don't we already have this? It is called capitalism and takes the form of externalizing costs and internalizing profits as much as possible. Generally the poor and the planet pay.
  20. Laughing Coyote

    Question on Intelligent Design

    I think by unguided he meant not teleological, that is, not by something outside of life and its conditions.