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Search results

  1. W

    Is God really THE god?

    God is just another name for the foul mouthed extremely violent filthy whore named Ishtar who wanted to be identified as the sole Creator. Ishtar was called Gawd in Arcadia and this is how this word became positioned in peoples minds. This word God is a part of the veil which has been thrown...
  2. W

    Is Christianity logical?

    Christianity is only logical if you are a believer in blood sacrifice, Christianity is the number one Baal blood sacrificial cult of this planet
  3. W

    What do you 'do' to understand God?

    First you think about this word people use which is God, Where did it come from ? For myself God is a title of the Arcadian goddess Venus known by many names. She is Ishtar, Diana, Isis and the Romans called her Lucifer. God is a foul mouthed, extremely violent murderous whore who wants only to...
  4. W


    This mornings first light occurred at 4.03 am instead of 4.50 am however it was very different due to complete cloud cover. At 3.48 am a beam of light shone from the horizon into the sky and lasted for about 10 seconds it came from the north eastern horizon. At 4.00 am a small area of white...
  5. W


    So if you are closer to the equator your official first light time will be earlier than it is supposed to be is that right
  6. W


    That is all well and good how about you arise one hour before first light and observe to verify these times as accurate, otherwise it is just talk
  7. W


    Just to update on today's first light which reconfirms it is occurring much earlier than it suppose to. 9th December supposed first light is 4.50 am for my region, fist light observed at 4.07 am. I am aware the northern hemisphere is a differing season to the southern hemisphere but this must...
  8. W


    I was hoping the trump stuff would end but it is now the beginning of a trump this and trump that era it seems
  9. W


    That is what I did, That is why I know it is half an early in the morning than it is supposed to be !
  10. W


    The official first light time for my area is what really surprised me a few minutes here or there does not mean much but half an hour early, still trying to get over it and will be up at 4 am to reconfirm
  11. W


    Thanks for the reply, as I am in the southern hemisphere this is my summer and we have the longer hours at this time of year. Could you be a little bit more specific and you may need to do an accurate observation if you are interested in taking this further. You say you have done a google...
  12. W


    Does that matter, if it is happening in my region it would be happening in yours, can you confirm this. Find out your first light time for tomorrow morning, observe the time and get back to me thanks
  13. W


    Has anyone noticed that the day light hours have lengthened. At sunset the last light just keeps lingering and even after the stars have come out light can still be seen, last night where I live the last light extended an extra 20 minutes and even after that the sky had a white streak of light...
  14. W

    Your God is Not God

    I dont think I would agree on varying levels, depends mostly on this word you are using, What does this word god mean that you are using ?
  15. W

    Gods name Lucifer

    I care less for any god, the obvious is that the very term most use as the creator is the word god which was originally the name of a living being misrepresented as gad, you confirmed yourself that the phonetic pronunciation of the goddess gad is gawd which is the same phonetic word god. Or...
  16. W

    Gods name Lucifer

    Yes Gad pronounced Gawd, any dictionary will confirm this is where we get the word god from, here we have it said clearly in the verse you quoted that Yahweh is not happy with those who associate with Gawd. The Septuagint translated the word gawd to demos, God is indeed the great demon. Going...
  17. W

    Gods name Lucifer

    Isa 65;11, Is as good as any place to identify the goddess Gad with THE DEMON. It is not you or I saying so but if we look at the Hebrew translated Greek Septuagint, that is how it translates into the Greek, the equivalent English word Demon. The Scribes 300 BC said so, once realized the...
  18. W

    Gods name Lucifer

    I like you have searched, I am not the same person I was 30 years ago, my understandings have changed as I traveled, I can see from what you have said that you are a genuine seeker, a door knocker so to speak. I do not have any respect for god/God, I know her to well, so I do not have a god. The...