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  1. Blastcat

    The God of OT vs the God of NT? Are they the same?

    I was asking you if you thought that GLOBAL GENOCIDE is ever justified, in your view, and if you thought the action is a moral one. Oh, but you DO get to spin it any way you wish? How is killing everyone on earth but a very select few a GOOD thing, in your point of view? Remember, that the...
  2. Blastcat

    The God of OT vs the God of NT? Are they the same?

    Ok, you think evolution is an atheist invention. And that in your view, it's not real. I suppose all of the evidence supporting the theory doesn't count for you. That's common. And you believe that I am in a religion when I say that I'm not. Ok.. you don't believe that, either. But when it...
  3. Blastcat

    The God of OT vs the God of NT? Are they the same?

    If you doubt my honesty, I have to ask you in public to refrain from addressing me. I didn't ask you for a lecture on the structure of words. In the future, I will ask you to to not address me. I am sorry that I ever addressed you.
  4. Blastcat

    The God of OT vs the God of NT? Are they the same?

    I am sorry if you think there is a "fray" to get into here. I am merely asking your questions about your position, and clarifying my own. I'm sorry if you think I'm making fun of YOU , but really, if I am a bit derisive, it's towards your thoughts, and you don't have to be so attached to them...
  5. Blastcat

    The God of OT vs the God of NT? Are they the same?

    A simple answer to my question would suffice for now, thanks. Do you think that global genocide as depicted in the myth of the flood is a good thing? Do you think that the god depicted in this myth, as you call it, is a GOOD one? I have no problem with the Bible being fiction. That being the...
  6. Blastcat

    The God of OT vs the God of NT? Are they the same?

    ethical content of WHAT? Not of a god indulging in global genocide? Is this GOOD ethical content or EVIL ethical content? In my narrow world view, drowning everybody on earth except for just one family and a bunch of animals is NOT what I consider good. Saying that the flood narrative has a...
  7. Blastcat

    Are you superstitious?

    That's right, If you don't DO anything, you won't ACHIEVE anything. That's a perfect recipe for staying exactly where you are. I would prefer to advance. You can sit comfortably on your couch if you like. Relax and enjoy what you already have. Don't ever strive, is that it? Is that your...
  8. Blastcat

    Are you superstitious?

    We agree. You say you aren't superstitious, and that depends on your definition of superstitious. I have NO idea what that may be, and I don't want to have to guess your position. I personally define miracle as some kind of magic, and a superstition as excessively credulous belief in and...
  9. Blastcat

    The God of OT vs the God of NT? Are they the same?

    I would have enjoyed a response to the question more than your thanks.
  10. Blastcat

    The God of OT vs the God of NT? Are they the same?

    Well, that's what the Bible says, I suppose. And you believe everything you read in a book? I know the story very well, I don't take all stories to be true. How can anyone verify your assertion?
  11. Blastcat

    The God of OT vs the God of NT? Are they the same?

    I'm sorry, I'm a newbie here.. but I think it says that I was quoting outhouse? I was quoting him saying that you don't fix the bible, the bible fixes you.. whatever that means. And that religious texts are to be admired in a moral sense. I don't agree, I asked him about the great flood myth of...
  12. Blastcat

    The God of OT vs the God of NT? Are they the same?

    Why should it have any value?.. It might be a completely spurious term. We can safely dilute AND delete such a term as completely irrelevant to reality. Again, this reverts to the age old question.. What is the evidence that any god exists?
  13. Blastcat

    The God of OT vs the God of NT? Are they the same?

    You approve of Genocide on a global level?
  14. Blastcat

    God and heaven and hell in the After Life: if it turns to be true of false?

    Huh?.. er... As an atheist, I would have to question the possibility of any god. And since no god is proven to my satisfaction, the belief might as well BE about something that is, truly, impossible, in the sense that it can't be demonstrated as at LEAST 51% probable. But everything is at LEAST...
  15. Blastcat

    God and heaven and hell in the After Life: if it turns to be true of false?

    I wasn't trying to be exhaustive. I was merely presenting the rather obvious fact that there are, as you say, almost infinite possibilities available when we speculate. I presented one that just popped into my head, trivially, in order to demonstrate that some other possibility can be also true...
  16. Blastcat

    The God of OT vs the God of NT? Are they the same?

    By intrinsic, do you mean a metaphor for the universe? .. God is a nice word, after all.. like Einstein using the term "old man".. I like that too. and mother nature is nice... metaphors.. because humans sure do like their metaphors, don't we?
  17. Blastcat

    The God of OT vs the God of NT? Are they the same?

    So, you are saying that you can comprehend what you can't comprehend? I don't get it.. you comprehend something or you don't comprehend it... How can multiplying ignorance equal to knowledge? This makes no sense. It's so nice that you have luminaries. They also cannot comprehend. As you...
  18. Blastcat

    The God of OT vs the God of NT? Are they the same?

    And it also doesn't mean there IS a Higher Power. And of course, we have laws and consequences enough for breaking them. We don't need any kind of god or HP for that. Well, except, as I stated before there are things that YOU might like done to you, that I would NEVER want done to me. How...
  19. Blastcat

    God and heaven and hell in the After Life: if it turns to be true of false?

    Yes. I said as much. I haven't changed my mind between then and now. Why would an all powerful god need worship? Does he need some kind of validation? It's codependency at it's finest. Some sick weirdo version of an immature, insecure child god. I would fear such a god if it were possible.