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Search results

  1. 1

    If Muhammad wasn't an actual prophet, then where did the Qur'an come from?

    There is not one contradiction between the old and new testament. The Jews simply don't think any of the new testament is holy scripture. When I speak of witness's I speak of all the writers of both the old and new testament. They affirm each other and there is pure congruency. The Qu'ran...
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    Is prostitution wrong?

    Old jewish law states that if an umarried man and woman have sex the man must ask for her hand in marraige. If the father says yes, they get married. If the father says no he must still pay the wedding dowry and leave her. I reckon this law was to protect the family because no one wanted a...
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    If Muhammad wasn't an actual prophet, then where did the Qur'an come from?

    Islam like all Abrahamic religions states that the testimony of a witness is only worth entertaining if there are 2 or more witness's. This is particularly important when the new witness's contradict many others before them. Muhammed was one witness who contradicts all the prophets before him...
  4. 1

    Is prostitution wrong?

    There is adultery and fornication. Biblically adultery is punishable by death while fornication involves a marriage proposal or fine depending on the decision of the father of the woman. Adultary can only be commited by a man with another mans wife. Fornication is sex outside marraige
  5. 1

    Every living entity comes from another living entity

    I can respect an agnostic saying he hosnestly just does not know how life manifested from matter but to flat out deny a creator especially when organisms are walking around wondering about a creator takes a lot of faith. With all the money and all the acientists in the world we could not even...
  6. 1

    intelligent design

    Firstly let me state that I am a Christian I and do believe that evolution is a shallow model of something far more complex driven by the intelligent design of God the Father and Jesus the Son who together with the holy spirit form the authority in heaven and earth. Again, I agree with you...
  7. 1

    Christians: Who answers prayers of others?

    Firstly, no where in the bible does it say God loves all people. Jesus says if you love me you will obey my commands and I will be with you forever. I.e. If you do not obey his commands he will not love you and he will not be on your side. Harsh, YES. But no one said the bible was a do what you...
  8. 1

    intelligent design

    What you mentioned is a very good point but you cannot use complexity or very low probability to disprove evolution. What you say is true in that there are many biological systems that either work or don't work and so how could it evolve in stages of functionality? Good point. There are however...
  9. 1

    intelligent design

    Scientific theory is rewritten every 5 years. Currently quantum theory is ripping a huge tear in all convention "univeral truth". The funny thing is if you actually read all the scientific papers over the years instead of just picking up tid bits from news papers and magazines you would know...
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    Christians: Who answers prayers of others?

    You love your children right? God says he disciplines the ones he loves. Now what is discipline without fear? If your children did not respect your authority as the father of the house then no amount of "love" will raise them properly. In the same way God is not a Teddy bear. He is the father...
  11. 1

    intelligent design

    If you dispute my claims provide a logical counter claim. Please refrain from sweeping statements without any substance. Your claim " I am not a scientist in the loose sense". Is this said out of some sort of anti Christian spite or a rational consideration of my posted thoughts leading you...
  12. 1

    Christians: Who answers prayers of others?

    "Blessed is he who fears the Lord" Jesus, Ishaih and many ohters. I do not argue with you one bit. A man who fears God is blessed because he fears what is right to fear. All men fear, fear is a natural part of being human. Fear can drive us to do what is right or what is wrong. This depends on...
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    intelligent design

    I am a scientist and with every year I learn more about the natural world around me the more unbelievable it is that there is no creator. More so, this creator is an artist and operated above functionality. He loves athsetics, intricate detail, diversity. I've heard the scientific arguments...
  14. 1

    Paul..fake liar or apostle?

    Paul was the biggest evangelist in his time. He is God's point man for the Gentile world. He did a great job too because 2000 years later there are 2 billion of us. Given his monumental success in the face of such massive persecution with little support he obviously has some supernatural...
  15. 1

    Morality and the atheists

    Atheists that say they learned their morals from their parents and school teachings are correct but only on a microscopic level. If you are growing up in the western world where we have free speach, womans rights, democracy take a quick look at the religion of the forefathers of your country...
  16. 1

    Christians: Who answers prayers of others?

    "No one comes to the father except through the Son" Jesus "If you deny me in front of men I will deny you infront of men" Jesus Pretty clear to me that if you do not accept the Son of God the Father will not accept you. Ive heard and seen many miraculous things in Christian Church's. I have...
  17. 1

    Every living entity comes from another living entity

    When one looks at Genesis you have to realise the audience it is intended for. If you took the most learned man from 5000 years ago and gave him all the time in the world he would not understand one bit of what we are arguing about. Verse 16 tells us God made the Sun, Moon and stars on the...
  18. 1

    Every living entity comes from another living entity

    Give me the verse so I can explain it in context. I do not recall any mention of the plants coming before the sun. Is not the first act "let there be light". Which is very accurate seeing as the big bang would have been pure light before it slowed down.
  19. 1

    Religion - fear of the unknown?

    If you for example took the "laws of nature" as it was supposed 1000 years ago or even 100 years ago or even 5 years ago you would have to agree that Scientist find miracles everyday. The Scientific model is constantly broken and reshaped in a desperate attempt to find consistency. Thousands of...