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Search results

  1. W

    Mackinnon vs. Strossen - on pornography

    Everybody isn't into sex that's why we have a-sexuality :) I feel you are missing the point of the anti porn stance. It is not that women are not sexual and/or shouldn't be sexual (which is pretty ridiculous since the anti porn feminists are very pro-lesbian, Audre Lorde anyone?) It's...
  2. W

    Making feminism more palatable

    This depends on the reason why someone doesn't call themselves a feminist. If its because they are anti feminist then we have problem. If it's for other reasons eg they are a woman of colour and prefer to call themselves a womanist then I don't see the problem. I don't have a problem with...
  3. W

    Pro-life and control of women- where do we draw the line?

    .....sisters give me strength
  4. W

    Pro-life and control of women- where do we draw the line?

    Yes and so? A cockroach is a life. You have to convince us the life of an embryo is more important than the life of a woman.
  5. W

    Pro-life and control of women- where do we draw the line?

    I've heard someone say a doctor actually made her feel guilty for wanting an abortion by given her an ultra sound and making her listen to the heart beat and being like "this is the heart beat"
  6. W

    Pro-life and control of women- where do we draw the line?

    So I met a woman today who boasted that she beats her kids, "if you give birth to them you can beat them till they bleed" "I gave birth to them I'll kill them" Some people should never be parents and that is why I am pro choice.
  7. W

    The EDL

    That's a years salary for you?
  8. W

    I know not all Muslims are Islamists, but...

    It's one of the many things that makes Britain so great. If you need some tips on how to control yourself just read our jimmy savile's autobiography.
  9. W

    I know not all Muslims are Islamists, but...

    When feminists talk about male sexuality they don't mean that all males are the same, when black feminists talk about white supremacy and whiteness they don't mean all white people are the same. They are talking about how education, media, social views are mostly presented with the white male in...
  10. W

    I know not all Muslims are Islamists, but...

    Oh way too long read some feminist literature. I'm rubbish at explaining stuff, I would never do as a teacher or writer.
  11. W

    I know not all Muslims are Islamists, but...

    See I've been in Britain where Muslim men see women in batty riders everyday and still control themselves...
  12. W

    I know not all Muslims are Islamists, but...

    Ooooohhhhh ssssshhhh eeeaaarrrrr tttttttt!!! So erm first is was black men are sexual predators Then it was Jewish men are sexual predators And now it's Muslim men are sexual predators.....that's the new thing? Am I late? Keep talking!
  13. W

    I know not all Muslims are Islamists, but...

    It's got nothing to do with promiscuity and everything to do with excluding women of colour from the movement, because they are busy critcising a culture they know very little about and silencing our voices, and muslim women's voices to talk about their own opression, because they prefer to...
  14. W

    I know not all Muslims are Islamists, but...

    Sorry, can you explain your point with this?
  15. W

    The EDL

    ...........BUT..... Just don't make ghettos
  16. W

    The EDL

    First of all let me just say that when I said educate yourself I meant people in general have a responsibility to educate themselves not you personally. How do Muslims create Ghettos??? And like I said before as someone who is British, most Muslims are integrated heck maybe even more so...
  17. W

    I know not all Muslims are Islamists, but...

    This is why women of colour feminists sometimes organise away from/separately from white/liberal feminists. I've also thought that for some Muslim women hijab isn't necessarily just about modesty, but also about identity. It's a way of visibly expressing that they are Muslim?
  18. W

    I know not all Muslims are Islamists, but...

    Have you read my signature...I know, it's just that western feminists have mostly been doing the finger pointing of "look how Muslim men are so horrid to Muslim women, there there, let me just snatch that hijab from you, so you can be free like one of us, while I break my ankle in these high heels."
  19. W

    I know not all Muslims are Islamists, but...

    How so? She is right about the pressures western women face and she is British so she knows...