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Search results

  1. Jesuslightoftheworld

    The idea of spirituality that says humans are good

    Also, we are made in God’s image. He feels anger, sadness, and is a jealous God but He is perfect.
  2. Jesuslightoftheworld

    The idea of spirituality that says humans are good

    I believe that our “spirit” came from God. The world and worldly things are of the devil. We are trying to attain righteousness. But sin; pride, lust, envy, etc. cannot be righteous. That is why God gave us free will which is a beautiful thing. We then can chose humility, morality, and have a...
  3. Jesuslightoftheworld

    Christianity vs. Islam

    I am a Christian and I have on occasion read parts of the Quran. This is the major difference between the God of the Quran (Allah) and the God of the Bible and it is significant. In the Bible, God first loved us; unconditionally. No matter what we do He still loves us. In the Quran, Allah’s love...
  4. Jesuslightoftheworld


    Do you want to know to make laugh? Tell Him your plan!
  5. Jesuslightoftheworld

    What Religion Have You Been Before?

    I have always been a Christian, but around 14 yrs old some really bad things were happening in my life and i was so angry at God, so I dabbled in new age stuff and even read the satanic bible by Anton Levey and really tried to be that. But it didn’t last long. I knew where I belonged. I’ve never...
  6. Jesuslightoftheworld

    How to Know if You Are Saved?

    I know I am saved because God told me. “No one gets to the Father but through Me”, says Jesus. We saved through faith alone.
  7. Jesuslightoftheworld

    O Lucifer

    Simply said and true. You either chose side A (God’s) Or B (satan’s) there is no option C and you can’t opt out, then you default to B. The spirit is of God, the world is of satan. There is nothing in the world for us. The world and things of the world are of the devil.
  8. Jesuslightoftheworld

    What will the Second Coming of Christ look like?

    . I think they are both literal and figurative. I believe he will come quickly like a thief in the night but we will all see him coming in the clouds from wherever in the world you are. The ones who know Him will know it is Him.
  9. Jesuslightoftheworld

    Looking for a debate with creationists (I am an atheist)

    Evolutionists claim then that the universe was created by the Big Bang theory. Even child knows you can’t make something out of nothing.
  10. Jesuslightoftheworld

    Looking for a debate with creationists (I am an atheist)

    Skip Pssaris- What you aren’t being told about astronomy (Our created universe)
  11. Jesuslightoftheworld


    There can be only truth. Truth is absolute. So, different apposing truth can both be true. The truth is the truth whether you believe it or not. So what is the truth then? What makes the most sense what is the most reasonable conclusion. For me, it’s the Christian worldview.
  12. Jesuslightoftheworld

    Is it possible to please God without reading scripture?

    God smiles upon you when you keep his commandments. Jesus was a way to reconcile us with our Father. He loves us more than we can even conceive; unconditionally and no matter who you are or what you've done.
  13. Jesuslightoftheworld

    Is it possible to please God without reading scripture?

    I think religion is made so complicated. We can absolutely please God, but in order to do that we must read scripture to understand the nature of God, so that we can know how to please God. The Bible is an instruction for living life , pleasing God, and knowing He knows exactly what will make...
  14. Jesuslightoftheworld

    Who Created Evolution?

    Go God created evolutionism seems like an oxymoron. But I agree that God created all the laws of physics a well as laws for himself. The universe, the earth, the planets, the moon, the sun; they were all created us. I don't believe in luck or coincidence. His Will be done.
  15. Jesuslightoftheworld

    Does suffering increase ones tolerance to suffering

    I believe that suffering is a part of human experience. A lot of the time it is caused by our bad choices(sins). But suffering is necessary for growth. We learn from our suffering. The problem is whether we choose to use it for positive change or use it to hate and to resent. I thank God for my...
  16. Jesuslightoftheworld

    So many Religions to choose from...

    Also, it's not about intelligence, it's about knowledge and wisdom. "Wisdom begins with the fear of the Lord, but fools despise wisdom and instruction." Proverbs 1:7
  17. Jesuslightoftheworld

    So many Religions to choose from...

    There can only be one truth and it is absolute. What makes the most sense. I believe that the truth is truth whether you believe it or not. Choosing to ignore the truth doesn't change the truth.
  18. Jesuslightoftheworld

    Are atheists monists?

    That is a good question. Here is a better one, Are you a creationist or an evolutionist?
  19. Jesuslightoftheworld

    perfect religions

    Well, I'm pretty sure that there can be only one Truth and it is absolute and nothing can stand against it. The fact is that people are flawed an so we have all these religions created by flawed humans and none of them is perfect. All of them a lies except for one. In Ireland the Catholics and...
  20. Jesuslightoftheworld

    perfect religions

    Well, I'm pretty sure that there can be only one Truth and it is absolute and nothing can stand against it. The fact is that people are flawed an so we have all these religions created by flawed humans and none of them is perfect. All of them a lies except for one. In Ireland the Catholics and...