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    Difference between Morality and Virtue?

    Morality is a set of ethical codes set by man/culture whereas virtues are bestowed upon man/culture by the grace of God/angels or what have you...
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    Is Anarchism a valuable political ideology?

    This is what came to my mind when I saw this thread. Main Entry: an·ar·chy Pronunciation: \ˈa-nər-kē, -ˌnär-\ Function: noun Etymology: Medieval Latin anarchia, from Greek, from anarchos having no ruler, from an- + archos ruler — more at arch- Date: 1539 1...
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    Is Anarchism a valuable political ideology?

    Even if you succeed in creating a Utopian society, eventually some ****** is going to want to capitalize on something. It's just not realistic to expect people to be good for the sake of being good. The ******* of the world are the ones who are born with some ambitious gene which causes them...
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    Did Jesus say he was God???

    The sun God! haha The Nag Hamadi says that Jesus was made in the image as God, not that he was God. To know God, we need to know Jesus since he came here to show us the light and all that. I haven't read anything in it that says if you don't believe this you are going to hell. It more or...
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    What is your view of the Bible?

    I don't get why God commands the Jews to commit genocide. In the book of Joshua, God commands Israel to slaughter the Canaanites in order to occupy the Promised Land. If this is true, then this God is not my kinda God. Yes, I probably will be punished for saying this and lambasting the...
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    In need of help with these pieces of scripture

    Well said... "The Kingdom of Heaven is Within."
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    Iranian cleric: 'Promiscuous' women rock!

    Wow, there are so many variables there. What you choose to focus on is most telling. I take it you thinks that women who are pretty and dress pretty are snakes? Perhaps you are a man? Or perhaps you are manly? Most women are beautiful by nature. It seems to me the ugly ones are mean, but...
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    Do you think it is a real phenomenon? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Synchronicity
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    Is Anarchism a valuable political ideology?

    Anarchy begins with the individual and ends in the community. As long as we are human, we cannot stay stagnant in that rebellious mode of truth seeking. Eventually we succumb, and plant ourselves in whatever ground we flow to, we grow and realize that we can't live alone. We need the sun, and...
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    Are you a fan of the Yes Men?

    Are you a fan of the Yes Men?
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    What is your view of the Bible?

    Many crimes against humanity have been committed by people who were simply withholding the law.
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    Is belief in ghosts compatible with the Christian faith, or other religions?

    Don't be sorry. Just reread some of the bible. Jesus was tempted in the desert, he drove out demons, and his mother was visited by an angel. All of these encounters or so called encounters happened here on earth. If spirits like these exist, why not human spirits. I think it is a legitimate...
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    In need of help with these pieces of scripture

    The prayer does say "Our Father". If the intended effect was aimed only for me, then I'd say "My Father..." I'm not sure what you are getting at with this line of questioning.
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    David Icke

    Do you think that David Icke is mentally ill? Sometimes I wonder if he might be working for some controlled opposition to help keep people from adopting ideas that are anti-government/anti-corporation. Then there is also that nagging curiosity that makes me wonder if he may be on the right...
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    Is belief in ghosts compatible with the Christian faith, or other religions?

    Jesus spoke often of Angels and Demons. They aren't in heaven or hell if they are on earth still. So, why would the belief in ghosts or spirits be incompatible with traditional Christian teachings?
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    What is your view of the Bible?

    If your body is a temple, then church has nothing to do with salvation. Tradition helps people maintain good behavior. But, do you really think it is truthful to follow rules in order to attain salvation? Moses's laws were to establish moral behavior as best as possible in people who would...
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    In need of help with these pieces of scripture

    Well said, Thank you. :angel2:
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    In need of help with these pieces of scripture

    Our Father= The source of all life and spirit, we all come from one source Who art in heaven= Non material realm Hallowed be thy name= Sacred name, here again the prayer is trying to name God "Our Father", so sacred is his name, so indescribable... Thy kingdom come= Let the source of all...
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    Thanks for the welcome. It's fun to learn and talk about religion/spirituality. :D

    Thanks for the welcome. It's fun to learn and talk about religion/spirituality. :D
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    Any Herb Gardeners here?

    I have very firm soil too. It took me a long time to sift out all the little pebbles and rocks. I used a strainer and had my kids help. It was tedious, but enjoyable in that peaceful sort of way. After I dug up about 2 inches and cleaned out the soil, I added some nice organic soil on top of...