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Search results

  1. C

    Ethical issues behind drug taking...

    Oh past exam just means exams from past years. The one that I'm doing now is the 2010 exam on ethics and religious studies. Students usually do past exams as mock exams to prepare for the actually exam. About myself, actually it's a little more complicated. I already graduated high school and...
  2. C

    Ethical issues behind drug taking...

    I flipped to the answer page and here's one of the suggested answer: - Caring is the ethical principle that supports my decision in reporting this to the school representatives. Caring means that people are responsible to take care of others including their physical, mental, and spiritual needs...
  3. C

    Ethical issues behind drug taking...

    The reason I'm asking this is because I'm doing a high school past exam on moral and religious studies and one of the question asks: You discovered one of your friend at school is taking drugs. a) you decide to report this to the school representatives. Give one ethical principle that would...
  4. C

    Ethical issues behind drug taking...

    I think this boils down to whether the ethics behind drug taking is absolute or relative. If it's relative then we can't actually support the statement that "Taking drugs is wrong" through ethical reasons because ethical values are relative. If this is so, then would this mean all the laws that...
  5. C

    Ethical issues behind drug taking...

    What are some of the ethical reasons in supporting the statement that "Taking drugs is wrong."? Are there ethical reasons against this statement? As opposed to crime and murder that would harm others, drug taking does not. Sure we can talk about the process of planting or producing drugs that...
  6. C

    What is fairness between shareholder and worker?

    hmm I think I figured it out but correct me if I'm wrong...let's consider an even simpler example, a barber shop. And the only service is cut, no perm, no colour, etc to make things simple. All the worker needs is a pair of hands, a pair of scissors, and the skills and these are all provided...
  7. C

    What is fairness between shareholder and worker?

    Theoretically, is the value of shareholder = income (with shareholder) - income (without shareholder)?
  8. C

    What is fairness between shareholder and worker?

    I'm not sure if I'm a socialist but I often think why do the shareholders do nothing but still get money while we workers work our *** off but have to share some of our profits to the shareholders. Assuming everyone wants to be fair and no one wants to take advantage of others. Everyone wants...
  9. C

    Buddhism on Free will and Causality

    But isn't how one's decision to act or react also depends on his knowledge, characteristics, etc, and his knowledge and characteristics, etc depends on his life path from baby till now such as how his/her teachers and parents have taught him/her, how the media have affected him/her, etc. And...
  10. C

    Buddhism on Free will and Causality

    Thank you for the answers! I think I get what you mean but I still couldn't figure all out because let's say for now, we know that what we are experiencing now is a result of our past actions. And it all depends on how we act or react the things happening now that makes our future different...
  11. C

    Buddhism on Free will and Causality

    As a beginner in learning about Buddhism I have always wondered the Buddhist's perspective on free will and causation. Often I find it confusing to categorize Buddhism into Compatibilism and Incompatibilism. I think similar to the non-theistic perspective of Buddhism, Buddhism has a perspective...
  12. C

    What "religious spectrum" is Buddhism in?

    By religious spectrum I mean monotheistic, polytheistic, pantheistic, atheistic, etc. I just started to get to know about Buddhism and so I want to know the very basics of where Buddhism stands. I know there are a lot of different schools in Buddhism and some have integrated with local culture...