You kow, just because you thinks somethings so, doesnt make it so; it is your choice to think that Being and non-Being can co-exist together, doesnt make it fact, its your oppionion; as justified to you as mine is to me. Its not a matter of "chooseing" in my mind, its what there is and what...
i guess i have to apologise, i was a bit agitated when i chose to write that post, therefore most of what i said was quite narrow minded.
But in response to lilithu, i dont think you can believe in God and the Absurd, as there opposites really; Being and non-Being. One suggests a rather limited...
First of all, i woldnt project anything on anyone:149:(in as far as thats possible), i thought i detected sarcasm throughout his last few posts. By his saying
suggests to me that if a method is not plausible it has no psychological value, given his interpretation of Kierkegaad that his method...
Can you try and cut down on the sarcasm please:D to me it demostrates a lack of intelligence that you feel compelled to get the upperhand on me this way:p
The way you were making it out was that Kierkegaads ideal was to forget that the absurd ever existed, and that would be a contradiction...
Obviously no offence intended by this, but when your looking at ancient foriegn civilisations religions or philosophies you have to becareful not to translate it into your own crudities. I dont think that statement implies that it would be 'arrogant' for us to assume to understand, but rather...
:Di know a sense of humour is essential, i didnt mean to give the impression of getting all serious, i was just trying to put my thoughts across. But i did detect some sacrcasm in his last post so i was just trying to give something back, but nothing personal:areyoucra
I meant the idea fo the self is still a metaphysic, every objectivity even abstract is a metaphysic, and therefore we need metaphysics or 'falsehood' (compared to 'reality') to survive. and by schizophrenia i didnt mean a split in personality - thats a common misconception of it, thats only a...
You dont seem to have appriciated the paradox kierkegaad was drawing by means Faith and Infinate resignation. All you have stated here is is an empty shell of the faith keirkegaad couldnt comprehend at all, and then you go on to say that infact it is the 'same faith that you share in relation to...
hi sw
have you ever read Fear and Trembling? Theres a revealing passage in there, its a bit long but its good "If there were no eternal conciousness in man, if at the bottom of everything there were only a wild ferment, a power that twisting in dark passions produced everything great or...
Thats not entirely true though, because the satisfaction people get through matireal things is still a metaphysic, and so is the belief in ones self. Nietzsche ones said that "The antithesis of the apparent world and the true world is reduced to the antithesis "world" and "nothing". If we didnt...
hi, sorry about the test post, i typed up a post the other day and it refused to send, and you cant copy and paste.
I agree i dont believe theres such a thing as a perfect moral decsion (that is in one that is not relative to you).
if it is relative to god, then how can there be, because each...
but if you meant metaphysics as in religion, i think it has become to ingrained in us for everybody to beable to overcome it, kiekergaad is an example of this. But dispite this he was still a genius and a amiable person, so there is nothing wrong with religious people in so much as they are as...
thats a really interesting question. My oppionion is that our spieces cant live without 'acting' of some sort, we need to impose an order on what is otherwise chaotic- or not even that, but totally concept-less. If we didnt have a metaphysic we'd be catatonic.
But our society certaily has...