So, I'm having trouble learning how to format things in this forum. My apologies. It may take a few tries. Your patience is appreciated. I'll get back as time permits.
OK - - Looks like I have it figured out now. See you later.
You said: "To eat a dead animal it must be murdered".
If I might loudly say: WRONG.
The word "murder" is NOT used accurately in your sentence. Murder refers to "UN-lawful" taking of life.
Enter the word: "kill"
That's why some Bible translations are "in-accurate". Jehovah God did not say...
In contributing to this question:
Might I say that ONLY Jehovah God, THE CREATOR of all things - - ONLY Jehovah can DECIDE the definition of what "violence" is. Only Jehovah can DETERMINE what constitutes "violence".
Jehovah God is the CREATOR of this thing called: "LIFE", or "Living...
Human~KIND was CREATED. Was created by Jehovah God, the Almighty of the whole Universe (and outside this Universe as we know it)
Humankind was created "in God's image".
Jehovah God has "free will". No ONE // No-THING can check God's hand (as the prophet Daniel wrote).
But the term...